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Star Army Rikugun Infantry, Type 42

Taking ideas pioneered by the 777th Legion, the Star Army Rikugun Infantry Equipment Scheme, Type 42 is an update to the Star Army Infantry, Type 33. Compared to the previous scheme, the Type 42 offers a wider variety of ways to outfit the infantry of the Rikugun.

Rikugun Hohei (Ground Army Infantry)

The standard heavy infantry assigned power armor that grants the firepower and mobility for modern warfare. Compared to their cousins in the Fleet, Ground Army Infantry focuses more on maneuver warfare and shorter ranged weaponry needed for planetary operations.

Rikugun Tekidanhei (Ground Army Grenadier)

Tekidanhei are heavy infantry that make use of the M12 Kirie or M13 Keiko Compact Mecha (also known as Thought Armor).

Rikugun Ashigaru (Ground Army Light Infantry)

An upgrade of “unarmored” infantry in the Star Army of Yamatai, Ashigaru are designed to supplement their heavier cousins by operating in extended scenarios, providing stealth to a commander's options (no aether/fusion), and just occupying territory so the heavy guns stay on the offensive. As they lack the firepower and mobility to be at the tip of the spear, they require vehicles to maneuver to new objectives faster than their inertia abilities (if Yamataian) will allow.

Rikugun Teisatsu (Ground Army Rangers)

Equipped similarly to the Ashigaru, Ground Army Rangers are the scouts of the Rikugun. As such, their loadout is designed to help them survive on their own instead of just direct combat.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2020/10/30 04:43.