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Star Army Rikugun Kamirakurai

Kamirakurai, literally, “Gods' Lightning” were the Star Army of Yamatai's short-lived dedicated Shock Troopers. Deployed at frontline which have stalled as and where needed, the Kamirakurai use their experience with these scenarios, heavy equipment and practiced tactics to break these situations into Yamatai's favour. Primarily these focus on ultraviolence for shock-and-awe as well as overwhelming firepower with maximum collateral damage. A common phrase equates SASO and SAINT forces to a scalpel, Rikugun to a hammer, and Kamirakurai to a hand grenade. Despite their reputation, they are sometimes referred to as “KIKIs”, an acronym of Kamirakurai.

They primarily use M19 Ryoko Mechas, Corona Gunships, TASHA platforms, Bulldog MBTs and artillery. Because of the use of the Ryoko, all Kamirakurai were transferred to the Star Army Mecha Pilot.

"The Kamirakurai patch features a deep blood red lightning bolt striking down at a hexagonal block, which pays homage to their spiritual ancestors of the Rangers.  Ringing the emblem, the words 'KAMIRAKURAI' stands atop the emblem, and the words 'WITH SHOCK AND BLOOD' sit at the bottom."
Star Army Kamirakurai1)
Established YE 44
Commanding Officer Shôshô Satsuma Sakamata
Allegiance Yamatai Star Empire
Subordinate to Star Army Rikugun / Star Army Special Operations
Headquarters Jiyuu Fleet Depot, Jiyuu System

The occupational colors for kamirakurai units in the Star Army of Yamatai is the RIKUPAT of Star Army Rikugun. They are distinguished from their larger-force counterparts with a subtle sleeve symbol, which is similar to regimental patches. This patch is just below where the medical patch would be worn. The official patch is worn when in formal dress features an off-tan lightning bolt with deep red edges with a blank hexagon at the tip. Ringing the patch is the words “KAMIRAKURAI” around the upper curve, and “WITH SHOCK AND BLOOD” around the lower curve.


After the establishment of Star Army Special Operations in YE 43 and the subsequent reviews that came out of it, it was discovered that the Star Army of Yamatai lacked any shock troopers, traditionally a very useful tool in historical armies. While Star Army Rikugun never normally ran into this problem, it was possible in the event of facing an evenly matched force that a standstill could feasibly be reached. Depending on the situation, this could be against Yamatai's favour. Therefore, SASO Command ordered the formation of a test group of “Kamirakurai”, as shock troopers that could be deployed and redeployed across a battlefront and even across multiple theaters.

Many Star Army Rangers' from the Guirella Regiment were recruited into the Kamirakurai, with only the most violent being chosen. They were retrained with Rikugun, Giretsu and standard Infantry skills in addition to their Commando skills from the Rangers. In this sense the Kamirakurai is the spiritual 'Fifth Regiment' of the Rangers, however they use an entirely different skillset to the Rangers for the most part. However, they often fight alongside Commandos, who punch through the openings that the Kamirakurai make in order to raid behind the enemy's lines as a follow-up action.

Following the Star Army Special Operations reshuffle in YE 44, the Kamirakurai were deemed to be better suited as a Rikugun MOS, with forces held at an Area Army level. However, it was maintained that these forces could be called up for strategic redeployment as Special Forces if required during extreme circumstances. Further, in YE 45 the Rikugun Kamirakurai were be discontinued as an occupation and all members with this MOS were re-designated as Mecha Pilots.


There are no prerequisites for this occupation. After completing basic training, prospective Kamirakurai may immediately sign up for specialized shock trooper training. A truncated version of Infantry training is done first, to ensure Kamirakurai are capable of functioning effectively with Infantry and Rikugun, the course taking a month and a half. Next, Shock Trooper training takes two months during which trainees learn advanced skills in relation to morale damage, maximimising collateral damage, bunker busting and similar tactics. There is also an extreme emphasis on usage of heavy weapons, artillery, heavy power armour and tanks.


The minimum rank for this occupation is Santô Hei and the maximum rank is Taisa.

General Information

Taking a distinctive role within Star Army of Yamatai military operations, shock trooper units are utilised to break through stalemates and fortified positions consistently, allowing conventional forces to push through the openings to provide a spearhead for the next offensive.

In the field, shock troopers are deployed directly to the frontline they are targeting, utilising the fire support from their drop craft. Shock troopers often utilise heavy power armor, larger-than-normal arms, or heavy weapons vehicles. While shock troopers must be shocking and powerful enough to break the enemy, units should also be equipped with or have access to enough protection as to not be killed before engaging the enemy.

Before, during, and after a combat engagement, shock troopers typically serve as a directed force, pushing in one direction and allowing conventional troops to protect their sides and rear. The destruction of bunkers, fortifications, defensive infrastructure and the spearheading of primary force maneuvers via overwhelming firepower are all tasks and mission profiles undertaken by shock trooper units.

Shock trooper casualties are as high or higher than Ranger occupations. This is due to their role as having to attack the most impeachable parts of an enemy line. Shock troopers often work in squad sizes to that of multiple platoons, depending on what is required.


The following is information that you are required to be familiar with and should refer to. First and foremost, you are not simply a better version of the Star Army Infantry. In many cases, you are less proficient than them in prolonged or precsion engagements using less collateral damage. You are, however, an expert of overwhelming force, morale damage and spearhead assaults. Oftentimes, your unit is expected to take huge casualties, and it is very likely that you will die during every single one of your offensive actions. No doubt you are quite unhinged and have severe anger management issues. (See Skills). Additionally, you should play DOOM music or similar when writing with a Kamirakurai.

Billeting Information

You will be stationed aboard a landing craft of some kind, or on a base with your designated landing craft. You are stationed with a squad or more of other Kamirakurai. You are often close both physically and in relations to Star Army Rangers, especially to the Commandos of the Guirella Regiment. You often share bases and barracks with them, and go into combat ahead of them, with the Commandos expanding on your spearheads once they are through to the other side of the lines.


Kamirakurai undergo training where they learn these skills through a punishing and high-intensity eight-week training course. Your character should have the following skills. Also, they should have everything covered in Star Army Common Skills. These do not replace common skills, rather they further them. Due to the number of skills below, in addition to the common skills, new Kamirakurai Characters are only able to pick three of the following, sans the ones that expand on common skills. They will need to complete a 'certification' RP to finish one of the remaining 3 skills the character did not 'have' at the start. Skills which fit in this category are: Demolitions, Vehicle, Survival, Physical


Kamirakurai generally prioritize firepower and survivability over endurance and weight. Their equipment allocation reflects this. Kamirakurai uses very heavy equipment and weapons, not expecting to carry or utilise them for long periods in the field beyond their inital attack and breakthrough. They carry large amounts of ammo, not expecting to haul them over long distances. They primarily use M19 Ryoko Mechas, Corona Gunships, TASHA platforms, Bulldog MBTs and artillery.

A substantial equipment list can be found on the Star Army Rikugun and Star Army Special Operations (for SASO ops) page.

List of Kamirakurai

These are the characters currently listed as Kamirakurai.

Nothing found

OOC Notes

ethereal created this article on 2022/08/30 17:04.

You should play DOOM music or similar when writing with a Kamirakurai.

This was approved by Andrew on 2022/11/25.2)

Contact the Faction Manager or Ranger Manager for questions and details regarding this unit's deployment as NPCs in roleplay