YSS Empress, YX-C1-0024, is a 1B variant Tansaku-class Science Vessel. She was built by the YSS Daigaku Kisaki-class Starbase above Daichi, Daichi System in YE 34 for the Scientific Studies Service (SSS). The original MEGAMI was transferred to the new YSS Himiko. The YSS Empress has a new MEGAMI.
She is commanded by: Jocoby
This section contains information regarding the YSS Empress.
The YX-C1-0024 was one of the original twenty-five Tansaku-class Science Vessel built by the service. However, in YE 38 the ship was renamed from the YSS Himiko to the YSS Empress. This was because of a acquisition of the first production level Himiko-class.