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YSS Kyōryoku

YSS Kyōryoku, YK-C1-0007, is a Kisaki-class Starbase of the Scientific Studies Service (SSS) orbiting Âmuar (Dream) in Âmuarpoku (Clan Dream), which is part of the Lumujo Saei (Territory) of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. It is commanded by Taiga Yanagi.


The Kyōryoku was constructed at Yamatai (Planet) by Ketsurui Fleet Yards in YE 42. It was made for the use of the Scientific Studies Service. It was the fourth Kisaki-class Starbase to be constructed.

The base was deployed to Âmuar (Dream) that same year, and passed inspection by Jalen Sune, a GS-12 of the Scientific Studies Service (SSS) and Commander of the Tansaku-class Science Vessel, the YSS Genshō.1)

In YE 46, the YSS Resurgence docked at the Kyōryoku to pick up temporary Poku-Rya'ta (Ambassador) Toidorno Sejgui.2)


The mission of the Kyōryoku is to support the the alliance with the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. Many members of the Clan work on the station alongside members of the Scientific Studies Service (SSS).

General information

Vehicles assigned


OOC Notes