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Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar

In the Star Army universe, the Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar epitomize cosmic horror. They represent a terrifying evolution from the original Mishhuvurthyar, combining eldritch terror with an ability to corrupt and transform. These entities are not just adversaries in the conventional sense; they embody the deepest fears and horrors of the unknown, making them a unique and chilling element in role-playing experiences.


Originating from the remnants of the original Mishhuvurthyar, this next generation emerged in YE 45 just prior to the Third Mishhuvurthyar War as a horrifying evolution. They are an evolution of the Advanced-Type Mishhuvurthyar and an alternative to the Enhanced Mishhuvurthyar, which were encountered by the YSS Kaiyō II.

The first encounters with the Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar by the Star Army were marked by shock and terror, as they unexpectedly boarded the YSS Resurgence and one ate the captain, Aoba Kuranosuke. during the search for the YSS Wakaba1). In the Third Mishhuvurthyar War, NMX Mishhuvurthyar often served in leadership roles controlling squads of Rippers or of other species who may be equipped with power armor2).

As they demonstrated their ability to infect and indoctrinate, turning battles into nightmares, they became a major concern.


Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar are a sinister amalgam of organic and otherworldly horror. They possess the ability to liquefy and reform their bodies, phase through solid objects, and infect biological life-forms, including synthetic ones, creating monstrous transformations known as Mishhumorphs.

The typical appearance of a Mishhuvurthyar is somewhat like a reddish-brown or reddish-purple floating mass of tentacles that has crab-shell like armored upper carapace. Eyes are typically glowing green (traditionally 4 of them but other variants are common). The middle section has a mouth that can devour animals (typically consuming them whole, digesting them quickly, and spitting out the bones). Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar show significantly more diversity and variation in appearance in body shapes than their predecessors.


The Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar have the following abilities:

Liquefaction and Reformation

A Mishhuvurthyar can almost instantly turn into a liquid, making them difficult to damage. For example, bullets will pass through them. When they turn back into their Mishhuvurthyar form, all damage to them is repaired and their body returned to its original state. The liquid is similar to Hemosynthetics. Mishhuvurthyar starships are typically found with this liquid throughout their corridors, making them swamp-like.


Some Mishhuvurthyar have been spotted using a “phasing” ability to reduce interactions with normal matter (making them temporarily invulnerable). This can let them pass through solid objects like starship bulkheads. The Star Army of Yamatai has been working to counter this since YE 27 with some success but the Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar have cleverly found workarounds as of YE 45.

Infection and Transformation

Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar also have the ability to infect other biological life-forms (including synthetic ones), creating Mishhumorphs - monstrous transformations that combine the host's characteristics with the terrifying aspects of the Mishhuvurthyar.

See: Mishhuvurthyar Hemosynthetic Virus Weapon

Telepathic Seeding

Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar have the ability to influence the minds of those in close proximity to them. Like a siren's call, they can subtly manipulate and indoctrinate intelligent creatures, turning allies into enemies and sowing chaos from within. Mishhuvurthyar are able to telepathically plant a virus-like additional mind into the brain that starts as a seed and can eventually take over a person or exploit them as a sleeper agent.

As the Star Army began to explore new sectors, they would begin to find the Mishhu had already brought entire civilizations under their control this way.


Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar are universally equipped with personal shield generators (power armor scale e.g. Tier 4)

OOC Notes

Game Masters in Star Army can use Mishhuvurthyar in many ways:

Their presence of Mishhuvurthyar adds a deep horror element to the Star Army setting, challenging characters to confront not just a physical threat, but the fear of losing one's self or comrades to an unspeakable fate. Mishhuvurthyar as a formidable and terrifying enemy in military campaigns, capable of turning the tide of battle by infecting troops and infiltrating ranks. They can be used to create complex, suspenseful storylines where the risk extends beyond conventional combat, involving psychological horror and survival against seemingly insurmountable odds.

Handle with care

Due to their chilling nature, incorporating the Dominator-Type Mishhuvurthyar into storylines should be done with consideration for the tone and comfort level of the players. While they offer an opportunity to explore horror in a sci-fi setting, balancing their terrifying aspects with action-oriented combat can maintain engagement without overwhelming players. Mishhuvurthyar are perfect for introducing high-stakes, emotionally charged plotlines, but should be used in a way that drives the story forward rather than derailing it.


Their carapace can ignore most small arms (e.g. their skull/top shell is huge and thick) but remember most of them is not the carapace. The fleshy bottom part of them can be damaged by bullets in the same way people can, but they are resilient and resistant to injury and rarely display pain, and they have very rapid regeneration capabilities. If you want to classify them on the DR scale they're Tier 2 overall but their top shell is Tier 3. Mishhu are fast movers and they can often close on their attackers before being taken down.


Wes created this article on 2023/12/09 04:39.

Approval thread: Dominator-Type: A Next-Generation Mishhuvurthyar

Enemy NameDominator
FactionSfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift
CategoryLevel 3 - Faction
Species Categoryalien, synthetic