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Hermes Type Artificial Nepleslian

Hermes Type Artificial Nepleslians, drawing its name from an ancient god of travel and commerce, represents a unique blend of physical agility and cognitive prowess. Initiated in YE 42 as a response to the need for specialized linguists and traders in the aftermath of the Kuvexian War, the Hermes Type was developed as part of an experiment to imbue Artificial Nepleslians with capabilities akin to the more organic abilities of Nekovalkyrja.

YE Production Began YE 44
Designers Athena Foundation
Manufacturer Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Nomenclature NRM-AN6-1A
Used By Nepleslian Reds
Availability Mass Production
Price 500 KS


Despite their work with the development of the Artificial Nepleslian types such as the Raijin and Tenjin, many researchers of the Athena Foundation have always been slightly jealous of the work of long defunct PNUgen Corporation. With an aim to rediscover their secrets with as little information that they do, they decided to in YE 37 to initiate Project Hermes with an aim to create an individual that mirrored as much as the Nekovalkyrja's biosythentic abilities in a completely organic “platform”.

The project lasted 7 years with very little progress towards a “natural” Neko. As it turns out the human mind is not adaptable for psionics nor can the biochemical nature of the brain really process digital information without the help of cybernetics. As cybernetics could be used to augment all Nepleslian Reds, the Foundation devoted resources poured into Hermes into their cybernetics division and submitted the Hermes Type to the Fujiko Development Corporation as a scout/exploration specialist they anticipated they were going to need.


Hermes Types exhibit a set of physical adaptations tailored to their roles in navigation, communication, and commerce. Known as Fengzu when their genetic template is applied to Lily Type Artificial Nepleslian.

Average Stats
Male Height 190cm
Female Height 175cm
Male Weight 75kg
Female Weight 55kg
Build Lean
Physical Appearance Athletic and agile physique
Measurements 85B-60-85 (in centimeters)

Genetic Engineering

At the core of their Hermes Type is a significant focus on agility, achieved through modifications to their musculoskeletal system with strategic alteration of genes related to muscle fiber composition, favoring fast-twitch fibers essential for quick, explosive movements. Combined with joint flexibility and tendon strength genetic alterations, Hermes Types are capable of performing fluid and agile movements.

To complement their agility to achieve continued quick movements, cognitive enhancements have been done to the brain. Specifically in areas responsible for spatial reasoning and navigation such as the parietal lobes and the hippocampus. These modifications lead to an improved understanding and memory of spatial environments, superior map-reading skills, and an innate sense of direction.

Hermes Types have genetically engineered enhancements to their cardiovascular and respiratory systems that differs from other artificial Nepleslians. These adaptations aim to improve the efficiency of blood oxygenation and energy metabolism within muscle cells, allowing them to sustain physical activities over extended periods. Though they have the same stronger hearts that operate at an efficient 54 beats per minute at rest thanks to modifying genes responsible for cardiac muscle function to contract more efficiently and greater strength and a modified sinoatrial node, the heart's natural pacemaker, to ensure a steady heart rate while active.

The Hermes Types' cognitive abilities are also notably enhanced, focusing on rapid information processing and decision-making. This involves boosting neuron connectivity and efficiency, particularly in the frontal lobes, which are crucial for problem-solving and planning. Enhanced synaptic plasticity ensures faster learning and adaptation to new situations and information.

Finally, Hermes Types have specialized neural adaptations that enhance their proficiency in languages and cryptology. By improving areas related to language processing and pattern recognition, Hermes Types become adept at quickly learning new languages and deciphering linguistic patterns. Their pattern recognition abilities extend to cryptology, enabling them to understand and decode complex communication systems.


Hermes Type Artificial Nepleslians typically do not receive cybernetic or nanite augmentations during their manufacturing period.


The Hermes Type Artificial Nepleslians, with their combination of physical agility and cognitive enhancements, are well-suited for a variety of roles that require mobility, communication skills, and quick thinking.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/11/24 09:24.

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