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Tutorial: Hidden Sun Clan

Poku Afirmu (Clan Crest)

This page describes the Tutorial: Hidden Sun Clan Plot being offered by Hollander. It's a bit of a read, so if you're in a rush, come back to it later when you have the time to dig in. This plot's recruitment isn't closing any time soon.

This is a newbie-friendly and guided plot designed to introduce players to the Hidden Sun Clan and their culture, and to help players create characters of the Clan's various species.

Brief Overview

In this plot, players create a character who is a part of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo by actively roleplaying through their Clan character’s history, nature and accomplishments. This will be done by ‘telling a story’ in retrospective In-Character (IC) dialogue and in narration. The Gamemaster (GM) gives in-character verbal prompts that the player character answers, along with some narrative hints and clues that are shared both IC and OOC (Out-Of-Character). These prompts are designed to teach the players about Clan practices, culture and history, and they help to build the player character and give them a rich, involved backstory. I'll be giving OOC support, explanations and wiki links to help the players along in their own reading and learning. There are more details about what this will look like later on in this page.

Much of the roleplay will be one-on-one with me, or with a Co-GM. Joining other player characters through the course of the roleplay is an option we can explore with interest, willingness and time.

Think of this exercise as analogous to a tabletop roleplaying 'Session Zero' character creation experience.

Tutorial Format

So, what the heck are we actually going to do!? Let's find out! =)

The room was night-black, its ceiling pin-pricked with artificial stars. Each had its own brightness, its own distant color, and many twinkled quietly, all in accordance to careful technical programming so that it simulated the real night sky as it would have appeared over the lost Birth World more than seven centuries ago. In the center of the room, a warming lamp released an eerie golden glow, illuminating two seated figures. The elder of the two was a one-eyed Chronicler, one whose sacred duty was to record the activities and events of the Clan. He was a Qaktoro, tall and furred, still muscular despite his age which was apparent in the streaks of silver entering his fur and the droop of his whiskers. Naturally, being a Chronicler, he was of the Lore Keepers Sect, tasked with the education of the Clan's youth, the maintenance of its histories and genealogies, and with the transcribing of tales great and small, community-wide and individual. His white Lore Keeper's robe bore the Honor Crests of his Sect, a service crest indicated 27 years, and an Investigation crest with two markers. .

He leaned forward, a calm and patient smile spreading across his feline features. He spoke with a voice of experience and hard-learned lessons, and a desire to listen to the words of others.

“Tell me about your earliest memory.” he said.

What Next?

Writing as little or as much as they're ready to write, the player responds as though they are their character! It's best if their character remains 'in the dark', quite literally, as they answer. No physical descriptions yet (unless they have a firm vision of their appearance), just words. Further questions are going to actually create the character as they talk; they may receive scars, a unique eye color, a trophy item recovered from a defeated enemy, all kinds of things.

In the above case, even a player unfamiliar with the Clan might write about playing, hunting a mouse, being shy, finding a new toy, etc. This can be a challenging first question, too, but I'll be there to help!

Some prompts may surprise a player, and introduce an element to their character's backstory they weren't planning on. Here's an example.

“In your seventh year of life, in the Academies, you and another Qaktoro fought together inside a classroom. The school records suggest that you lost that fight. How did that happen?”

In this case, the player's response can change events. “Actually, there were three of them, and I only lost because they cheated.” or “I did lose, but we became best friends after we talked things out.” or “That was less of a fight and more of a spirited debate.”

Players who would like more control over the events that happened in their backstory can request as much, and I'm happy to 'write in' specific events they want introduced. Players should communicate how spontaneous and inventive they would like me to be in inventing 'events' to throw their way!

Handling Time and Age

I feel it's best if we keep years and time vague until we're certain about the character's age. The goal is to retroactively create characters who can be used in the 'present', so Qaktoro and Tula should be at least 20-or-so years old by the time they are used in current-time play. Players who are 20 in YE 46 should've been born in YE 26.

Please note that we will not be roleplaying the characters in events before they turned 18 years old. The character in the present will instead be telling stories about what happened to them in their youth.


Characters will likely be born on the Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station), as the Clan did not begin settling planets until the year YE 36, which is 10 years ago at the time of this writing (YE 46). There are some unique background options, however, so check the Character Concept section for more info.

18+ Content

The roleplaying's rating will be 212.

After This Roleplay Is Concluded

What do you do with the character once the Roleplay is 'finished'? Well, anything you like! Here are just a few of the many possibilities out there:

Attache to the Star Army of Yamatai: Section III of the Treaty between the Hidden Sun Clan (HSC) and the Yamatai Star Empire (YSE) states that “Members of the HSC may become a member of the YSE in accordance with Yamataian law.” Further, that section grants military members of the Clan the option to serve aboard the other’s military ships as an attache. You could apply to Star Army plots with a Clan character; just make sure you communicate with the GM and seek approval properly!

Attache to the Kingdom of Neshaten's Military: Very similar language can be found in Section III of the Clan's Treaty with the Kingdom of Neshaten! The same guidance for Star Army plots applies.

Future Poku Plots: You may not be surprised to learn that I may have further plots in mind for characters made through this tutorial… In fact (and here's a big clue for people who actually read through entire plot articles…), if your Clan character is a Spacefaring character, or a Scientific character, there will be some really cool opportunities tailored specifically to their skillsets!

Character Concept

You can come to the table with only a vague concept of the character you'd like to make! You can also have a fully-formed person in mind that you'd like to explore further with this roleplaying opportunity. Either path works. For more details about character concepts accepted for this plot, please read on.

Species of the Clan

I'd like to encourage folks to create characters who are of the Qaktoro or Tula species for this roleplay. They are the two primary species of the Clan, with the Qaktoro being more numerous and politically and socially dominant, and the Tula being a significant minority. There are other, more challenging backgrounds and species… Are you sure you want to give that a shot? If so, read on…

The characters submitted to this plot should be of the Species of the Clan, even if they aren't Qaktoro or Tula. There are two hybrid species, the Tuoro and the Qakla, as well as the Niko Yârme (Free Neko). Bear in mind that the Niko Yârme only joined the Clan in YE 36. Aliens foreign to the Clan's four main species also only began joining the Clan after around YE 35, after the establishment of the YE 35 HSC - YSE Treaty. You certain can play someone who has joined the Clan after that year.

Players can also create characters who were involved in the secret and illegal settlement of the planet Pilano (Betrayal) (nice name, right?). But if you go this route, you'll need to do even more reading. There are also Qaktoro who have undergone reproductive sterilization for failing to pass the Baqnor ritual. If these more unusual paths interest you, please contact me for more info.

In short, however, I believe that most players should consider making a Qaktoro to enjoy the most 'typical' Clan roleplaying experience.

I may also limit how many player characters are emigrating alien species. If you'd like to know more, please reach out to me.

Aliens Attempting the Baqnor Ritual

This plot is also where adult alien non-Clan characters can apply to roleplay out the Baqnor (move from youth)! Beings who are not citizens of the Clan, and who have no desire to join it, can still attempt the 'Move From Youth' ritual and prove themselves capable and competent based on the Clan's cultural standards. Characters wishing to RP through this Baqnor with my help can apply to this plot with that as their stated goal, and if accepted, I'd 'GM' their training and preparation and run their Baqnor for them. This would be done in OOC partnership with the writer, and they would get help and guidance just like a player making a new character. Please note that this is NOT the only way a player can have their character attempt the Baqnor; interested players should contact the Faction Manager of the Hidden Sun Clan if they want to explore other paths.

Posting Speed, Pacing, Schedule

I personally like to post at least once a week in an SP story (I can post more frequently than that though, if you're a speedster), and I can also coordinate JP events with interested participants. However! The way this plot is set up, I can meet your own writing pace quite happily. If you're a once-every-two-weeks writer, or 'slower', I can gladly work with ya. My daily schedule usually involves at least a few hours of time every day where I can get back to folks.

No Penalties For Withdrawing

You can withdraw from this plot at any time for any reason, or for no reason. You're not obligated to tell me why, and your withdrawal will not be held you against you. You absolutely can take your character with you, too; remember the 6th of the Player Rights on SARP. You can even re-apply to this plot later, if you choose.

Leave of Absence

You are absolutely permitted, and encouraged, to submit a Leave of Absence with me for any reason, or for no reason. We can use the Leaving Guide to help us make a plan for you and your character.

You Don't Need To Learn An Alien Language

In my personal perspective, one of the most potentially intimidating aspects of playing a Clan character is the language barrier. Nashoba created a neat alien language, and he liked to use it frequently in roleplay. I like the language too, but I have my own feelings on how it ought to be used in this particular Tutorial plot. In this Tutorial, the participating characters will be speaking in their own shared language (Takavonai (Language)) in-universe. We, the writers, will be using English to essentially 'transcribe' what they are saying to each other in our posts. Because virtually all Clan language terms have a pretty clear analogue in English, and because I'll be helping folks by providing wiki links in the posts themselves, I won't be using the Takavonai words too much in the roleplay.

In short, you don't need to start learning the Clan language Takavonai in order to participate in this roleplay. Unless you really want to! In which case, go for it, I'll keep pace with ya no problem!

Encouraged Player Attributes

Required Player Attributes


Okay, you read all that, and you're ready to apply! All you need to do is make a post in the OOC thread with the following information:

Character Concept: Could be as short as a one-sentence idea of a character (perfectly fine), or up to a paragraph.

OOC Reasons for Applying: What's your reason for wanting a tutorial? Are you interested in the HSC? Curious to see what the experience would be like? Are you building a character for some future plot use?

Did You Read Through The Tutorial Plot Article?: Gotta tell the truth here! Yes or no!

Do You Have The Required Player Attributes?: Another Yes or no!

And that's it! Post that, and hang tight for a reply from me. I may Forum-PM folks to respond to their applications, or I may post in the thread itself.

OOC Matters

Recruiting Plan

I've already got two writers interested in having their characters undergo the Baqnor (move from youth). I'll put the plot on the Plot list, and I'll let newbies to the site know it's available. As the plot isn't a traditional plotship with an active crew, it doesn't need to have people 'in it' all the time.

Previous Experience

I've Dungeon Master'd tabletop roleplaying games before, and have run forum roleplaying stories for a few years. On SARP, you can see some of my work 'running a plot' in From The Ashes1) and Out From Under The Umbrella2).

Accepting Co-GM Applications

I am gratefully accepting multiple Co-GM applications. I think this is a great opportunity for a first-timer who's never Co-GM'd before, or for someone experienced who's looking for a chill way to support a plot. The level of contribution I'd ask for from a Co-GM totally depends on the person. If you're busy, I'd ask for limited support and advice. If you really want to be involved, I will involve you. If you want to apply, please PM me on the Forum (not on Discord) to let me know why you're applying, and the level of involvement you'd like to have. There are a bunch of you I want to ask to Co-GM with me directly, but I felt it would be best to simply post the request and let yall decide if you wanted to apply or not.

OOC Notes

Last Checked2024/05/29
Characters WantedAnyone wanting to try a Hidden Sun Clan character can apply. This Tutorial is meant to actually help BUILD a character, so even a very vague concept is perfectly acceptable.