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Sakura 81x600mm Mortar Shell

Designed for the Sakura Machinery "Jade Stinger" 81mm Mortar, the Sakura 81x600mm Mortar Shell is essentially a modified mini-missile.

Price: 500.00 KS


Inspired by mini-missiles common within the Kikyo Sector, Sakura Machinery studied the commonalities between designs. The first prototype shells appeared in early YE 45 as the design of the Jade Stinger finalized. Initial prototypes initally just contained purchased Origin Industries mini-missiles contained within the larger body of the shell, but Sakura Machinery (working with its sister corporation Ryu Heavy Industries) has since create their own warheads and guidance systems.

The Fujiko Self-Defense Force is the first organization to make use of the shells in late YE 45 on Osman.

General Information

Nomenclature varies
Designer/Manufacturer Sakura Machinery
Fielded by Fujiko Self-Defense Force
Availability Mass Production
Price 500 KS

Ammunition Stats

This sophisticated part-drone, part-mini-missile mortar shell, once launched from a mortar, deploys control fins to stabilize and extend its flight, significantly enhancing its range and accuracy. The 81x600mm shell has a sleek, aerodynamic body equipped with advanced sensors and a folding wings that allows it to glide toward its target with high precision. 81x600mm shells are typically dark green in color.

Damage Rating varies
Size 81×600 mm
Damage Description varies
Effective Range 100-15,000 meters
Muzzle Velocity 300 m/s
Muzzle Blast Large, fiery explosion (almost spherical burst of bright, yellow-orange flame) at the moment of shell discharge
Recoil Extreme
Energy Source Caseless, Chemical Propellant


There are a wide selection of shell types available and expanding.

High Explosive, Fragmentation

This variant is designed for air bursts over a wide area, achieving a damage radius of 30 meters. The high-explosive fragmentation shell is ideal for suppressing enemy troop concentrations and light structures, creating shrapnel that is lethal against soft targets. HE-F shells are marked with a red band.

HE-F Damage Quickchart
Damage Rating Purpose
Tier 4 (30 meter radius) Air bursts over a wide area

High Explosive, Plasma

Optimized for anti-personnel and light material targets, this shell combines a high-explosive charge with a plasma burst. The HE-P's fuze is programmed to explode on contact or within proximity of its target to maximize damage due to the plasma rapidly cooling as it is explosively spread. HE-P shells are marked with a blue band.

HE-P Damage Quickchart
Damage Rating Purpose
Tier 6 (15 meters radius)/Tier 4 (30 meter radius) Used against personnel and light materiel targets


Engineered to breach fortified structures, this shell penetrates deep before detonating. HE-P shells are marked with a tan band.

Anti-F Damage Quickchart
Damage Rating Purpose
Tier 6 (penetration)/Tier 3 (30 meter radius) Used against personnel within fortified locations

Illumination Rounds

These variants include Visible, Infrared, and Ultraviolet illumination, each designed to light up a 1km radius for 60 seconds. They are essential for night operations, enhancing visibility and battlefield awareness without causing physical harm. Illum shells are marked with a grey band with a green band for Illum-V, red with Illum-IR, and purple with Illum-UV.

Illum-V Damage Quickchart
Damage Rating Purpose
Tier 0 Provide moderate visible illumination within a 1km radius for 60 sec
Illum-IR Damage Quickchart
Damage Rating Purpose
Tier 0 Provide moderate IR illumination within a 1km radius for 60 sec
Illum-UV Damage Quickchart
Damage Rating Purpose
Tier 0 Provide moderate low-light illumination within a 1km radius for 60 sec

Blind Cartridge

The Blinder Cartridge is crafted to obstruct visibility across multiple spectra including visible, radar, ultraviolet, and infrared, effectively masking movements or operations from EM-based detection. It also creates a flash of EM radiation to temporarily blind optics. A minimum density is required to work, typically allowing some detection to resume in 4 minutes in calm wind conditions (faster if it is very windy). Blind Cartridges are marked with a black band.

Blinder Damage Quickchart
Damage Rating Purpose
Tier 0 Provide concealment in the electromagnetic spectrum (visible, radio, ultraviolet, infrared)


Related to the blinder, the Flashbang shell is designed to only disorient and temporarily incapacitate enemy forces within a 30-meter radius through intense light and sound (Tier 0). Flashbang shells are marked with a brown band.

Flashbang Damage Quickchart
Damage Rating Purpose
Tier 0 Non-lethal round designed to daze unprotected individuals in a 30 meter radius

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2024/04/24 09:25.

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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesweapons: ammunition
Product NameSakura 81x600mm Mortar Shell
ManufacturerSakura Machinery
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)500.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 6
Mass (kg)10 kg