New Dusk Conclave Fleet Production Capacity

This article serves to track the NDC's ability to create and maintain ships. This is an OOC resource.

The NDC currently has 4 systems in its territory and 4 corporations1) , each of which affects the NDC's available shipyards2):

Item Maximum Number Current Number Notes
NDC Shipyards 40 10
CSW Shipyards 12 6
BWE Shipyards 12 0 Doesn't appear to have any shipyards listed anywhere
Mining Guild Shipyards 12 9
Noval Shipyards 12(→18) 18 6 are Sunavi Corporation yards managed by Noval with a 5% cut for Sunavi
Total 76(82)

For a guideline on how these shipyards impact build times, see Military Buildup Limitations: Building Times.

Current Fleet Capacity

Item Maximum Number Actual Number
Huge Space Stations 4 ?
Shipyards 40 ?
System Defense Platforms 100 ?
Capital Ships 400 75
Other Warships 600 574
Military Support Ships 1000 ?
Additional Small Craft 100,000 ?

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2020/04/19 22:28.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Note that not all corporations have shipyards tooled to produce military starships and have open time to produce military ships. Only national shipyards and Conclave Ship Works should be considered reliable sources of starships for the military
Note that the numbers in the table below are for maximum counts