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Stargazer Stellar-Yacht

The Stargazer Stellar-Yacht is a luxury spacecraft designed and manufactured by Noval in YE 45 to cater to their wealthy clientele's expectations. Serving as the forefront of comfort, convenience, style, and class that Noval is known for the Stargazer aims to be the most sought after luxury Stellar-Yacht on the market for business and pleasure alike.

Equipped with technologies from a multitude of companies as well as their own catalogue it is a unique and unforgettable experience to cruise the sector in a Stargazer like no other.


With demand and notoriety alike growing for Noval's “uplift” packages the Luxury Engineering team was tasked with designing a starship from the ground up, a Stellar-Yacht for the wealthy and powerful that would convey their status and class to all who saw it both inside and out. While Noval had designed several smaller craft this would be a new venture for the company, and with their current reputation was all but certain to succeed.

Initial plans for the ship were approved in late YE 44 with minor tweaks to follow for several more months before the interior layout and design was settled on, a modest blend of formality and functionality to cater to any guests and their needs.


The Stargazer aims to be the best in class for luxury transportation across the galaxy, with the attention to detail Noval is known for blown up to the scale of a full Stellar-Yacht many would be hard-pressed to find something superior on the market. It incorporates all the technology and knowledge created and accumulated by the company since its inception into one massive upper-class aimed vessel.

Mission Specialization

What are good uses of this ship?


The Stargazer holds itself with dignity at all times, the ship is long and slender with a bow resembling the edge of a blade curving upwards from its underside and protruding forwards to carve a path through space. Similarly to the earlier Dragonfly shuttle the Stargazer has a standard outward appearance bathed in ivory-whites and metallic golds with a combination of ebony and royal purple accent lines, this exterior can be extensively customised during commissioning a vessel and is encouraged by Noval as a way to individualise each ship.

The interior of each stellar-yacht is customised upon commission much like its exterior, a multitude of colours ranging from striking reds to oceanic blues, vibrant greens and even the refined taste of a silver or bronze palette are available across several furniture packages; executive, political, pleasure cruiser, and minimalist. The interior can also be outfitted with Noval's signature Upgrade Packages, Chairman or Bespoke.

Statistics and Performance

As a ship built for comfort and absolute luxury and appearance the Stargazer has fairly average speed capabilities and slightly reduced weapons and defensive capabilities, this design choice was based on the notion most people buying one would be staying well within protected airspace for the majority of its fly-time or could afford an escort to handle defense and security.

General Statistics for the Stargazer Stellar-Yacht
Year Introduced YE 45
Class/Nomenclature NH-Y1-1C
Designers Noval Luxury Engineering
Manufacturer Noval Heavy Industries
Fielded By Available for Private Purchase
Maintenance Cycle ideally every 6-8 months to ensure quality of the vessel is maintained
Pricing 5 000 000KS


Crew: 30 operators are recommended, 18 are required.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 60 people. About 200 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


Propulsion and Range

Damage Capacity

DRv3 Tier: Tier 11 - Medium Starship

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

1. The upper deck houses the bridge along with the aptly named master suite, the “Stargazing Suite” most often used by a the vessel's owner/s and can accommodate several companions.

2. Second deck contains living quarters for other guests, amenities for the guests such as bathrooms, dining space, and also houses more official meeting spaces for long business trips.

3. Third deck is the longest in the ship to allow for a docking zone at the rear of the ship which utilises the Chromatic Hangar technology to allow for a stylish and seamless transition between space and the exposed landing pad. It also contains the main cargo hold with easy access to the shuttle pad for loading and unloading, further amenity spaces and general activity spaces such as exercise environments and entertainment venues.

4. The fourth deck is the largest deck in the ship and houses the powerplant, propulsion systems, environmental management systems, artificial gravity control, and the other essential systems for starship operation.

5. Fifth and final deck houses the crew quarters and their own amenities as well as crew activity rooms and the main kitchen with direct access to dining facilities on the 2nd deck via smaller somewhat hidden express-lift.

Compartment Layouts

General furnishing found in each room however physical placement can vary depending on client requests during production.

Activity Space (Crew)

This space will usually house several tables for general use as well as digital media entertainment systems, single and large couches, as well as a section for personal fitness with a small selection of equipment. Some optional packages from factory include a bar and combined recreation table which can accommodate for games such as pool, snooker, table tennis and others.

Activity Space (Guest)

This space will usually house a collection of tables, couches of varying size, a sectioned off combined theatre/multimedia entertainment area, and plenty of exercise equipment for long voyages for those wanting to keep up exercise. It also comes standard with a refreshments (non-alcoholic) fridge and combined recreation table, options from factory include matching colour and stitching for all furniture and walls/flooring, as well as whatever personalisation the client desires.


The captain and co-pilot stations sit in the centre of the room raised slightly with a clear view above all other stations for easy viewing through the bridge windows. To the rear on the left is a sensor operations station and on the right shield and life-support. At the front of the room in the centre sits the pilot with a space for an engineer to man the bridge at a powerplant and propulsion management station with direct communication link to the 4th deck.

Cargo Storage Areas

A large open space with a myriad of magnetic and physical restraint systems built into the floor, ceiling, and walls to ensure cargo is undamaged during the voyage. The entire room has top of the line fire suppression systems and prioritises cargo integrity above all else.

Crew Cabins

Aside from the captain’s cabin all crew cabins are 2 - 4 person rooms with stylish bunkbeds that match the overall interior package chosen from factory. A large combined walk-in wardrobe can be sectioned off according to the number of crew sharing at a given time. Each cabin also has a personal bathroom.


The dining room is one of the largest rooms on the Stargazer designed to seat up to 40 guests at a time across 2 tables or more if desired by a client when ordering their ship. The interior package of the room will match the package chosen for the ship but can also be adjusted to suit the desire of the buyer. The standard package includes 2 tables, a chandelier above each, and a pair of alcohol cabinets at the far end of the room which can be half or full height.

Docking Bay

A large open-air style cove at the rear of the ship with deployable cargo/personnel ramps to allow easy un/loading from small shuttles, it has a direct wide access corridor to the main storage hold of the ship making all shuttle dockings a relatively quick affair and allows the Stargazer to remain in orbit rather than performing taxing landings and takeoffs to refit.

Function Rooms

The function rooms are of similar design to the dinning room but with a single, smaller table and more executive office style chairs and décor to suit business or political meetings and discussions. These rooms can be outfitted with a small bar or alcohol cabinet if desired by the buyer. Optional packages include a selection of info-displays both physical or holographic in nature with accompanying sound systems as well as a state-of-the-art holographic conference feature allowing people across the galaxy to join in discussions with a digital seat at the table.

Guest Quarters

As expected from Noval the guest quarters on-board the Stargazer are akin to a luxury hotel room with a view far greater than any terrestrial dwelling could offer. Each room comes equipped with a King sized bed that can be changed into a pair of doubles easily without much effort if needed before a voyage. Each room comes with a full-sized en-suite and has an additional space attached to the room for use as a study or other business room as many guests are expected to be on a work event while abord.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Hull Rating 11 Shield Rating 11

Computers and Electronics

For the launch of their flagship stellar-yacht Noval turned to Galactic Horizon to help them outfit the ship with the most advanced systems they could.

General on-board maintenance during a voyage is carried out by the iBot while larger repairs (which are hopefully never needed) will need to be carried out in a shipyard.

As a show of good faith to another enterprising business, Horizon created a somewhat stripped down version of their signature AI Dawn to help automate the ship's processes and keep the guests entertained.

Emergency Systems

Each room and floor can be sectioned off from each other by quick-deploy basic environmental shielding in the event of a hull breach or explosion to prevent complete depressurization or implosion. There are several quick-deploy life pods designed to fly clear of the ship in an emergency once boarded and later link up with each other with beacons transmitting their location to Noval HQ who can organise a rescue party with the closest authorities.

Life Support Systems

Slotted in amongst the power-plant and other systems on the 4th deck is an all-in-one life support suite designed to accommodate over 200 people at once in emergency situations, the suite houses climate and atmospheric controllers, several sets of high-efficiency oxygen scrubbers, and can even deploy specific scents throughout the ventilation system on command.


The Stargazer has a modified pair of STL thrusters that can accelerate at a slow consistent rate while greatly reducing any potential shaking or vibration near the rear of the ship for maximum comfort.

It possesses a somewhat standard FTL hyperspace-fold drive for FTL travel, being more of a pleasure cruiser it doesn't require blisteringly fast speeds and should rarely find itself in dangerous situations that require a hasty exit.

Shield Systems

the Stargazer is protected by a basic shield system designed to mitigate the damage of various weapons as well as small to medium space debris encountered on its journey.

Vehicle Complement

In addition to the shuttle docking bay at the rear, the Stargazer comes equipped with a pair of Dragonfly craft that can be launched from an open-platform on the top of the ship for short sightseeing tours or to ferry more distinguished guests to and from the ship while larger shuttles ferry their cargo.

OOC Notes

club24 created this article on 2023/06/05 05:32.

Article approved by Wes on 2023/08/20 Here