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Dommuk Vuol

Dommuk Vuol1) are transition contact lenses designed for Norian eye anatomy, their purpose is to filter out uncomfortable levels of light.


Shortly after the Arrival of the Norians, norians began adjusting to life in their new home. Some aspects of their physiology made this adjustment somewhat difficult. Not only does their skin require additional protection from well lit environments and sunlight, their eyes do as well. This is due to the number of rods in their retina that assist with vision in the dark being much higher than other species, nearly twice the amount. In order to provide norians with a less conspicuous alternative to sunglasses, a team of scientists at Lo'ken Institute began to develop a method to provide a more subtle option for eye protection.

Product Information

Product information for Dommuk Vuol:

Dommuk Vuol
Year of Creation YE 45
Designer Lo'Ken Institute Lo'ken Institute
Nomenclature LI-G2-1A
Manufacturer Lo'Ken Institute Lo'ken Institute
Fielded by Lo'Ken Institute Lo'ken Institute
Availability Mass Production
Price 10KS

Function and Design

“Dommuk Vuol” are a translucent transition contact lens. These soft lenses allow users to protect their eyes, allowing them to adapt to environments with higher light levels. When in use the transition lens helps to shield the amount of light that reaches the retina, enabling those with higher rod counts to enjoy brighter environments with their peers.

Device Components are as follows:


Who uses this thing and how is it used? How should it be used? Dommuk Vuol transition contact lenses are easy to use, they are put onto the eye in the same manner as traditional contact lenses. The soft material allows for long term usage, up to eighteen hours at a time without causing discomfort or drying out. When not in use the contacts should be stored in their lens case with a hydrating solution such as water sold by Unya Springs Water. In the event that this is not available, sterile or uncontaminated water will suffice.

These lenses can be worn for up to eighteen hours a day, for a period that should not exceed twenty-one days. After this amount of time their functionality and performance may decrease. This may cause discomfort or damage to the eye, damage may also be caused by wearing the lenses while asleep.


Prices for Dommuk Vuol are as follows:

OOC Notes

a deleted user created this article on 2024/01/31 20:29.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesmiscellaneous
Product NameDommuk Vuol
ManufacturerLo'ken Institute
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)10.00 KS
DR v3 maxTier 0
“dimmed veil'' in Nira'las