Table of Contents

Fujiko Trade and Cultural Exchange Office

The Fujiko Trade and Cultural Exchange Office, or FTCEO, is a newly established (YE 45) diplomatic and trade office spearheaded by Senator Yokota Tamafune. Representing the interests of the Nepleslian Reds' and the Fujiko Region, the FTCEO is an active effort to clean up the Reds' reputation.



In YE 44 when the Fujiko Senator, Yokota Tamafune, wished for official diplomatic support in an attempt to start repairing the rift between the Nepleslian Reds and the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. Defeated by the Greens in late YE 29, Senator Yokota ultimately goal was to offer the Reds of New Bernese repatriation back to the core of the Reds. The goal of starting the path of burying the hatchet between the two were a longshot due to the native and infamous Nepleslian stubbornness.

Promised financial support from the Empress 2), Yokota's plans for the diplomatic mission eventually started to include others she would fund due to the pressing need of the Reds neglecting the need for diplomatic relations. Realizing it would be too much for her to do alone and her normal staff, she decided to establish the Fujiko Trade and Cultural Exchange Office with Ryu-Mizumitsu Clan funding.


The FTCEO operates under the direct authority of the Fujiko Development Corporation with a staff of diplomats, trade negotiators, and cultural affairs officers handpicked by Senator Yokota. The majority of the staff are currently outsiders sympathetic to the Reds or screened as professionals that will do their best despite not caring about the ideology of the Reds.


The primary mission of the FTCEO is to foster trade, diplomatic, and cultural ties between the Reds and the broader Kikyo community (and beyond). The office aims to facilitate economic cooperation, resolve disputes through diplomacy, and promote cultural understanding and exchange.

Trade Advocacy

One of the FTCEO's key missions is to act as a trade advocate for the Reds and the Fujiko Region. The office negotiates trade agreements, ensures fair trade practices between local and external businesses, and promotes goods and services produced by the Reds.

Diplomatic Mediation

The FTCEO serves as a mediator in any disputes or conflicts involving the Reds. The office promotes peaceful resolution and mutual understanding, helping to maintain positive relationships between the Reds and other factions. Besides solving problems, it also helps shift the perception outsiders have in regards to the Reds.

Cultural Exchange

Promoting cultural exchange is a crucial part of the FTCEO's mission. By organizing cultural events and exchanges, the office aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the Reds' unique culture.


At the helm of the FTCEO is the Director-General of the FTCEO, acting as the chief representative and primary decision-maker of the organization. Under the Director-General are three Directors, each in charge of managing thier respective division. While the Director-General is picked by Senator Yokota and approved by the CEO of the FDC, the Directors are appointed by the Director-General.

The current Director-General of the FTCEO is Matsumoto Kiyoshi, acting as a delegate of Senator Yokota.

Diplomatic Division

The Diplomatic Division is responsible for building and maintaining relationships with the various factions across the Kikyo Sector. Staffed with teams of diplomats, these teams work tirelessly to negotiate agreements and mediate conflicts the Reds might find themselves in due to the actions of individuals.

The current head of the Diplomatic Division is Director Ishikawa Reina.

Current Focuses:

Trade Division

Tasked with promoting trade and economic cooperation for the Fujiko Region, the Trade Division is instrumental in advocating for the Reds' interests and forging trade agreements with factions. The Trade Division is also tasked with generating interest in corporate investment within the region and establishing joint-ventures.

The current head of the Trade Division is Director Suzuki Junichiro.

Current Focuses:

Cultural Affairs Division

The Cultural Affairs Division focuses on promoting (and focusing positive development) the Reds' unique culture. The Cultural Affairs Division organizing cultural exchange programs and events to showcase the richness of Reds' heritage.

The current head of the Cultural Affairs Division is Director Nakamura Yumi.

Current Focuses:

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/06/03 21:06.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/09/13.3)

Created by demibear with and edited