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Anya Kastanava

Anya Kastanava is a Active Player Character played by nini.

Anya Kastanava
Species & Gender: Female Anthro
Age: Twenty Five
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Family: Kastanava Family
Height: 5’8 (172 cm)
Weight: 135 pounds (61 kg)
Organization: NSMC; SAW
Occupation: Marine Doctor
Rank: Private
Current Placement: Die Screaming or Die Trying

Physical Description

Anya is a perky girl with a slimmer body shape, technically hourglass, but this is up for debate. She claims she’s 5’11, in reality is probably 5’8. Her head is a wolf head, one pointed ear being slightly bent. As a result, she has no hair, but has an obsession with wearing long-haired wigs in varying shades of blue. Her eyes are also an ice blue.

Her skin is a pale color, with lankier arms. Her voice is pretty medium sounding, if a bit high when she gets excited. If she was a voice type/even sang in the fricking first place, she’d be a mezzo-soprano. It fluctuates a lot, so nobody can really tell.

NOTE: The image seen is not entirely accurate, but close enough. The image above was created using a prompt written myself using an online AI art generator.


A nutjob at heart, Anya thrives off of being crazy…and other people being so as well. She is an enthusiastic, heartfelt, upbeat individual who also cannot simply understand when other people cannot be happy. Despite this, she is NOT innocent and has seen a lot. She just prefers not to talk about it, but on first glance, she can come off as an open book.

Most people believe she joined the Marines and SAW for shits and giggles, which to some degree is true. But after the death of her parents, Anya does secretly hope she can save others. She’s kind of like Luffy from One Piece, both have two incredibly high goals. Achieving it? That’s still up for debate.

But, when Anya’s on the job, she’s an incredibly hardworking individual. It’s almost like another switch has flipped within her. She has awesome dexterity in her hands and good fine motor skills. But outside of her work, her boldness has gotten her in trouble on more than a few occasions. She hates being betrayed, and her blind loyalty is probably her fatal flaw.

Overall, Anya is a very social person. She’ll chat up anyone as long as they’re willing to chat her up, and can deceive strangers easily if she wants. She has an easy smile and a light laugh, and really has a hard time making enemies. See above about betrayal, however. Anya’s still thinking about her sexuality, but has started to settle on the fact that she likes everyone and doesn’t give a shit about gender. She’s very bombastic and over the top when it comes to love, the type to give constant PDA, but she will be a very loyal and communicative partner…and expects the same.

Anya is a “good” person, if we had to use labels here. But honestly, she prefers to consider herself morally grey. That is what she proudly is. And she don’t care a fuck.


Anya Kastanava was born on 9/30 in the year YE 19 in Funky City. It was always a hard knock life for Anya. She grew up in the rough and trouble of the deep end, knew how to adapt, how to evolve. How to thrive when even the elite could get stabbed in the back. Nowhere in the sprawl was a safe place. Anya grew up in the deepest slums of the slums. Her father, Brykor, was the leader of a small gang. Her mother, Anya believed, was aware of it. It may have explained how the police never raided the house for the “strange powders” found in the nooks and crannies of the house. How they never were forced out, when their neighbors were. Why Anya’s closest friend, Ruby, was thrown out onto the streets and froze to death during winter one year.

Nowadays, Anya does not remember much about her parents, or at least…chooses not to. Her father, despite his occupation, was a jovial, kind, and caring man. He’d been experimented on by a literal “mad scientist” as a child, and unfortunately, the lupine traits passed onto Anya. He always tried to come home with a loaf of bread (no matter if he had to kill someone for it), and always had the most hilarious bedtime stories.

Her mother was the real brick wall of the family. Despite not having a job of her own, having resorted to prostitution for a number of years prior to marrying Anya’s father, she was as much of an ideal Marine as…well…what a younger version of Anya imagined they looked for in Marines. She never let Anya’s father boss her around. Also, she knew how to use a shotgun, which Anya thought was badass.

So, for the first 9 years of her life, Anya enjoyed a happy, albeit difficult, life. But everyone has enemies, and nobody more than Anya’s father (then again, he was the only gang leader she knew). It was 26 YE. Anya and her mother were in the kitchen cooking soup for dinner. All they heard was the gunshot. Anya’s mother told her to run, and grabbed the shotgun off the wall.

It was not even 10 minutes before Anya emerged, and by the time the dust cleared, both of her parents lied in a pool of their own blood. Anya was, from then on, an orphan. Good news was, she knew people, and was a squatter in her friends’ homes. Never for more than 6 months at a time. Somebody was always a whistleblower, which was funny to her. They all lived in Hell.

She did settle down, eventually. A waitress at the Rainbow Room saw her trying to steal a plate of food and took pity on her. The two room apartment wasn’t much, and her now adoptive mother, Viisha, was often gone for days at a time. But it was a roof over her head. It was through this arrangement that Anya figured out how to gain a sense of independence.

Now, we all know Anya is not a coward, but she wasn’t exactly looking to be on the front lines. It was Viisha who encouraged her to join the Marines. She thought she was nuts. As a member of the SAW, okay, not so nuts. It was not hard for Anya to consider the opportunity. She tried her best to learn basic first aid before her departure, but…that didn’t necessarily work out.

At age 17, Anya was sent off. She finished the course by the time she was 18, but for the next 7 years, Anya has been mostly kept out of the limelight. She doesn’t exactly know how she feels about it. Mostly happy not to be dead. But this new…arrangement with an Armored Infantry squad…shall be interesting. To say the least.

Skills Learned


Anya is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, ships, ground vehicles, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Anya is fluent in Nepleslian. She can speak and write it correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. Anya is skilled in field communications and is proficient in all rudimentary forms of communication (hand signals, flashing lights, etc).


Anya knows how to survive in hostile environments. She can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. Anya can camouflage herself and is familiar with guerrilla warfare tactics.


Anya received intensive hand-to-hand combat training (primarily focused on disabling and/or killing opponents) and has followed up that knowledge with a rigorous training program. Weapons she is trained in include pistols of all types, knives, grenades (and other forms of explosive weaponry) and rifles of all kinds. Anya is in excellent physical shape and has considerable endurance. Anya is also able to pilot land-based power armors, but must rely on the suit’s A.I. to do anything advanced.


Anya can understand and give out tactical commands and work with her troop to follow those commands efficiently. She knows the importance of teamwork on the battlefield, has been intensively trained in discipline and morale, and is able to recognize the command structure even while under extreme pressure (combat, etc). Anya is able to recognize ambush points. She knows basic math in order to calculate distances, etc, and can use a tactical map.


Anya knows how to diagnose and treat conditions, apply first aid and emergency care (CPR, etc), and perform field surgery/general surgery if given the proper tools/facilities. She knows how to work in and use hospital equipment.

Social Connections

Anya Kastanava is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Anya Kastanava has the following:





Weapons and Weapon Accessories



Anya Kastanava currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by nini on 09, 24 2023 at 17:43 using the Character Template Form.

In the case nini becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameAnya Kastanava
Character Ownernini
Character StatusActive Player Character
PlotsDie Screaming or Die Trying
Nepleslian Personnel Database System
Career StatusActive Duty