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Chiheisen Takahashi

Chiheisen Takahashi is a Active Player Character played by Lizalopod.

Chiheisen Takahashi
Species & Gender: Female Caelisolan
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Infantry
Rank: Nitô Hei
Current Placement: YSS Resurgence

Physical Description

Chiheisen sports a robust and athletic physique, surpassing the average Caelisolan in terms of build. Her waistline forms into a rather standard hourglass figure. And notably, her shoulders exhibit a broader frame compared to the typical female in her species, emphasizing her physical strength. Chiheisen, rather proudly, stands at an impressive height of almost exactly six feet (6ft or 182.88 cm). Her weight is rather average, coming in at approximately 108 lbs, or 48.99 kg.

Chiheisen possesses a fairly balanced facial structure, with average-sized features inherited from her parents. Her eyes are decently round, and pretty symmetrical. She has striking purple irises, usually carrying an unimpressed and serious feel. Her nose is of moderate prominence, and her lips are thinner than what one would consider average. Her complexion seems overall healthy, with her skin color being a fair beige.

Chiheisen's platinum blonde hair is often tied up in a practical high ponytail, reaching down to just below her shoulders. It ever so slightly leans to the left, adding a subtle asymmetrical touch to her hairstyle. The strands are neatly arranged suggesting that she takes care of it, and tries to prevent having an unkept and messy look. The platinum blonde hue reflects light just a little, accentuating its vibrancy. In its free flowing form, Chiheisen's hair reaches just to the middle of her torso, and it can get notoriously tangled and messy, influencing her obsession with keeping it at bay.

Chiheisen's elysian wings showcase a royal blue hue that transforms into a shade of black down at their roots. Each wing spans a pretty standard 7 feet to each side, collectively creating a wingspan of about 14 feet. The feathers, with their subtle colors, add onto her overall elegant and formal appearance. She is capable of temporary flight thanks to her rather strong wings, but is moreso built for gliding.


Chiheisen is a rather reserved and analytical Elysian. She is often isolated, preferring minimal social interaction with others unless absolutely unavoidable, or necessary due to work.She prefers not to participate in social activities, and usually needs to be figuratively, or maybe even literally dragged out to participate in them. As a Star Army soldier, she approaches her duties with extreme seriousness. While she maintains a solitary demeanor during her free time, she readily engages with her peers to accomplish their objectives during. Humor is often lost on her, with most jokes mostly confusing or annoying her.

During her free time, Chiheisen mainly either rests or trains herself. She has several small hobbies, including some reading and binging, but more notably, Chiheisen is rather obsessed with making model kits based on Yamatai ships from a young age, a habit inherited directly from her father. She has built up a rather obscenely large collection over the years, most of which is stored back in her old room, at her parent apartment suite. She’s kept up the practice even after joining the Star Army, although she’s extremely secretive about it, and would rather her peers not know of her hobby. She would rather die than be exposed, and tends to hide her already built models away in her quarters, and she only works on them when alone…


Chiheisen Takahashi was born 10日 7月 23 in Yamatai. Born during the chaos of the Fourth Elysian War, Chiheisen was the offspring of two devoted Elysian soldiers, both loyal members of the Star Army of Yamatai. Raised inside a rather strict yet caring household, her parents' commitment to duty in the Star Army cast an definite influence on Chiheisen during her younger years. As an Elysian child growing up on Yamatai after the fourth Elysian war, Chiheisen was seen as a bit of an outcast.

The In-Chi-Dent

During a visit to Elysia Novus, due to her parents job requiring to make the trip, Chiheisen experienced a series of traumatic events which would lead to the Elysian developing her trademark isolated and cold personality. Used as a political chess piece by a powerful senator, she grew to heavily dislike the Elysian goverment.

( Read the thread here: The In-Chi-dent )

Upon returning to Yamatai, Chiheisen fully committed to follow in their footsteps. Even before reaching the age of 21 appropriate age for enlistment, her now retired father gave her some early training, refining her skills into a remarkable sharpshooter. The Elysian notably also obtained her Caelisolan upgrade aged 14 (YE 37). When she finally turned 21, Chiheisen enlisted in the Star Army of Yamatai. She would complete basic training during the end of YE 45, and was assigned to the YSS Resurgence.

YSS Resurgence, Pre Mission 11

Chiheisen began serving on the YSS Resurgence on YE 45.8. Given her socially ineptness and the fact that she had been assigned empty quarters, without any other crew, her first few days were rather uneventful. She participated during the End of Year Traditions, though notably remained isolated until she was approached by Erika Elster. She'd end up conversing with the nekovalkrja after some insistence. With the beginning of YE 46, she remained rather isolated from the rest of the crew, and would only really interact whenever duty required it. However, during a training session in the VR Room aboard the Resurgence, Chichi was surprised by Erika, and would end up completing a training program with the neko. She 'd converse with Erika often from this point on.

Skills Learned

Social Connections

Chiheisen Takahashi is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Chiheisen Takahashi has the following:

Chiheisen Takahashi currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by lizalopod on 12, 12 2023 at 18:53 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameChiheisen Takahashi
Character OwnerLizalopod
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYSS Resurgence
PlotsResurgence Of Yamatai
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankNitô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Infantry
SAOY AssignmentYSS Resurgence
Assigned QuartersCabin 8 (Deck 4)
SAOY Entry YearYE 45
DOR YearYE 46
DOR Month2