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Isaac Nolan

Isaac Nolan
Species: Nepleslian Gender: Male
Height: 5'11“ Weight: 180 lbs
Age: 23 Rank: Private
Occupation: Security Officer Current Placement: OIF Halberdine

Isaac Nolan in Roleplay

Isaac Nolan is a player character played by The Grinning Bandit and is currently involved in the OIF Halberdine plot.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'11” Mass: 180 lbs

Build and Skin Color: Isaac has a toned, athletic build, though not overly muscular. His skin is lightly tanned. Eyes and Facial Features: His eyes are oval-shaped, with irises colored somewhere between blue and gray. He has a round chin and somewhat sunken cheeks. His eyebrows slant inward toward the bridge of his altogether average nose. Hair Color and Style: His dark brown hair is cut short and slicked back. Distinguishing Features: His right forearm is noticeably blemished by a short, wide scar. His left bicep is tattooed with a black hammer over a black cog on a rectangular field of green.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Isaac isn't particularly happy with the path his life has taken, but he's learned to live with negative circumstances. He may spend some days with gritted teeth, but he tries to enjoy himself whenever he can find an opportune moment. He holds a strong sense of loyalty toward those he considers his friends or comrades, and a bitter resentment toward those he considers to be holding themselves above him, a relic from many occasions of swallowing his pride.

Likes: airbikes, racing, adventure, illegal adventure, mechanics, bikers, tinkering with machines, rock music, humble folk Dislikes: authority figures, police, politicians, steady jobs, alcohol Goals: to acquire enough money to start a career of his own (legal or otherwise); to avoid boredom and stagnation



Darren Nolan (father, alive) Cynthia Nolan (mother, alive)


Isaac grew up as the only child of his young parents in Funky City, on Nepleslia. Much of his childhood was spent alongside his father, a vehicular mechanic, helping with simple and then progressively more complex mechanical tasks. His propensity for technological tinkering led to an interest in the airbikes common to the city; as a teenager, he bought one of his own and began riding and racing with a Green-affiliated bike gang. After the Greens' rise to power, Isaac became disillusioned with Nepleslian politics. This, combined with his parents' displeasure, led him to leave the gang and pursue a more “legitimate” line of employment with Origin Industries.



Equipment (on person)

Possessions (Crew Cabin 5)


Isaac Nolan currently works for Origin Industries.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
5950 DA -50 DA Starting Equipment
6000 DA Starting Funds
Character Data
Character NameIsaac Nolan
Character OwnerThe Grinning Bandit
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
PlotsOIF Halberdine
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