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Zoya Ja'lani

Zoya Ja'lani is a player character played by Charmaylarg.

Zoya Ja'lani
Species & Gender: Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species) Female
Date of Birth: ER 769 (YE:20)
Organization: Kingdom Fall
Occupation: Mascot
Rank: Initiate
Current Placement: Kingdom Fall

Physical Description

Zoya stands at roughly three-foot and seven inches with red eyes and sunflower colored hair and tail with lighter tufts of fur on her ears. Her hair is often uncut and wild, being very long almost down to her knees, giving a rather vagrant appearance.

This disheveled appearance is matched by a thin frame only just starting to fill out from early puberty, sunken eyes and sharp-angled cheekbones and a gap-toothed smile that matched with her sunflower petal colored hair and pale skin often colored with blush gives a rather bright and naive appearance to Zoya and the impression that she is simply an untroubled pre-teen daur growing into womanhood in a body too frail for its age from years of sickness.


Zoya to most appear on the surface as sunny, passionate, and rather driven to please others and is quick to give commentary and compliment alike.

Beyond all that, however, lies the manic and obsessive Zoya beneath the surface. Suffering from a severe obsessive personality brought on from years of almost terminal sickness, Zoya obsesses over small and trivial items to the point where shes always close to a breakdown from bottling it all up when in the presence of others who she is desperate to keep up an innocent and cheerful facade around until she can find moments of rare peace to let out her emotions in fits of mania until catharsis can finally take its place and set the stage all over again for an endless cycle torturing a young girl with a broken mind.

This is not to say that these fits of lunacy make Zoya in any way suicidal. But instead, poison her mind with a deep ridden psyche that obsesses over the smallest of details to the point she might rub her skin raw to try to clean off perceived dirt, pull at her hair when it seems wrong to her in some way, chew her nails to the quick, or attempt feats beyond her frail body to the point of physical or mental exhaustion.

All of that, however, is hidden behind the mask of a naive and cheerful Zoya who will never vocalize the turmoil and perceived demons of her mind, only showing them under considerable stress or unintentionally over time through her strange actions and almost ritualistic routines.

Social Connections

Zoya Ja'lani is connected to: [REDACTED] - Mother1).


Born in ER-7692) to a mother of rather prominent martial standing, Zoya, a rather pampered child in regards to her upbringing through exceptional schooling and tutoring was a bright and optimistic child in her earliest developing years showing a promise for both military theorem and Politik as any child of an adept and capable military leader would prove to be.

Such high pedigree, however, did not spare the daur from a sudden and almost terminal illness at a young and formative age that saw her in a considerably weak and sickly state to the point that a young Zoya was bedridden for several years while only pulling through by the dwindling resources and care from a now destitute mother stripped of rank and prestige leaving Zoya with the chances of pulling through dwindleing more and more each day.

But pull through Zoya did. Her body still weak and prone to continued illness, the Daur was able to make a moderate recovery long enough to build a consistent immunity. But the damage had already been done, her body in a perpetual state of weakness and atrophy. Zoya suffered the past few years through painful growth spurts and even the beginnings of early puberty all while playing secret child to one the leaders of one of the kingdoms most fearsome internal and domestic enemies where she managed to pick up bits and pieces of the espionage trade through shadowing her parent; Such as a particularly good skillset towards acting in stressful situations by playing off her weakened state and easily drawing the sympathy and attention of others, and the ability to take in the smallest and most insignificant of details into a larger picture to make her something of an amateur analyst or aspiring strategist even at her young age.

As of recent, however, Zoya has been deposited for safekeeping in one of the cells of her mothers' organization to aid and support it until the time comes to follow her forebearer.



OOC Notes

In the case Charmaylarg becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameZoya Ja'lani
Character OwnerCharmaylarg
Character StatusActive Player Character
PlotsKingdom Fall
Beta, Second in command of Kingdom Fall
YE 20
Laundry, Cooking, Cleaning, Etc.
Disguise, Acting, Hiding