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Silvio De Mikhailovich

Silvio De Mikhailovich is a player character played by Rawolfe.

Silvio De Mikhailovich
Species & Gender: My'leke (Species) / Male
Date of Birth: ER 744 / 41 years in YE 43
Organization: Kingdom of Neshaten
Occupation: Master Diplomat
Rank: J'Yura
Current Placement: Diplomatic Corps

Physical Description

Silvio is 1.85 meters (not his tail included) long and 1.15 meters in height, his tail is about 0.45 meters tall. He weighs about 104 kg and has various scars from his time period in the Shukara Volunteer Navy. The yellow bright eyes match perfectly with his light blue-grayish color with his tail white and the tip blueish. The inside of his ears is white that matches up with the color of his tail.

When hearing Silvio's voice people might define it as low and manly, very warm, and yet strict.


Being the eldest of the family, Silvio gained the weight of being a role model to his younger brother and sisters, he, therefore, is seen as a caring person that will defend those that are unable to do so. While this might defeat the initial grown attitude of other My'leke (Species) being more cautious with their surrounding, it is a known feature that Silvio had gained over the years serving the Kingdom of Neshaten.

People would know him as a loyal and passionate man that takes the Kingdom of Neshaten to his heart. He was asked to do another serving round due to a shortage of experienced military personnel and gladly took this opportunity to serve his kingdom. While being a man of service, he is also a proud and caring father of two of his daughters. He is known for his open-minded and diplomatic way of talking.


Silvio De Mikhailovich was born in ER 744 / 41 years in YE 43.

Born on ER 744 on Nesha Prime (Planet), located in the Nesha System that is part of the Kingdom of Neshaten. Silvio was the first child of a military family that had served the kingdom for many years already in various noble positions. In the years to come his family received three new additions to the family expansion. Yet in ER 747 lost his father in the line of duty when the New Harvest Massacre where the Netrunu'marol attacked and killed many people in the city of Forben. He took the care of his family over from his passed away father to support his mother as best to his young ability.

When he reached the age to be accepted within the ranks of the Shukara Volunteer Navy, he took it to be able to continue his financial support towards his family. This caused certain friction within the family seeing that family is seen as an important element, but he proved his younger siblings his point by a fair reality check that income was running dry and to keep the family fed he needed to step up his responsibility. After a few years, he completed the military academy and joined the Shukara Volunteer Navy as a marine specialized in close-quarter-combat.

Over the years that he served in the military on various worlds with mainly focused duties being patrolling of worlds and inspection of trading vessels, he reached the rank of G'Tyere when he met his wife Ambra at Jui'varen at one of his deployments. After a good few months of dating, Silvio decided to lay down his military duty and focused on his new family. Silvio and Ambra received two beautiful daughters named Bice and Clara. Thought his few years in civilian duty came to a halt when the Shukara Volunteer Navy asked him to return to service, yet not return as a warrant officer, but as an officer to lead in the diplomatic corps.

In the Diplomatic Corps he became responsible for various negotiations between Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species) and Shukaren Laibe (Sub-Species) that eventually got him to the rank of J'Yura with the degree of master. He has been selected as the person to begin the outer reach program or also known as the ORP that had certain resistance in the executive council due to the state of affairs of the kingdom.

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This article was created on 2021/02/22 06:17 using the namespace template.

In the case rawolfe becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameSilvio De Mikhailovich
Character OwnerRawolfe
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Neshaten Personnel