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Jugg is a player character played by Emil

Species & Gender: Mutants Male
Date of Birth: YE 23
Organization: Nepleslian Space Marine Corps
Occupation: Space Marine
Rank: Private
Current Placement: Blackguard

Physical Description

Jugg is a 24-year-old male, Mutant, of Nepleslian origin. He has a muscular frame, with broad shoulders framing a scar near his left eye of a close call, adding a bit of a rugged charm to the appearance of his dogged hyena-like face. He has blue eyes as well as a shock of light blue hair on his head.

His body is stout but broad with the slightest curve of a hunch complimenting his build, With tawny its light yellow skin and a barely perceptible layer of fur the same color easy to miss which is adorned with red patches as the extent of his mutantions.


Jugg possesses a multifaceted personality that balances strength with both kindness and intelligence. While his presence may initially intimidate, those who know him well recognize his innate kindness and protectiveness towards those he is close with.


jugg sat on the edge of the old wooden dock, his feet dangling above the churning, restless sea below. The salt in the air stung his eyes, but he didn't mind; he had grown accustomed to it over the years. The rhythmic crashing of the waves against the rocks was a sound that had always brought him a sense of peace, a fleeting respite from the chaos of his mind. He rubbed his hand over the scar on his forearm, a reminder of a fight long ago, one of many etched into his yellow fur.

Jugg’s life had been marked by loss from an early age. He lost his family when he was just a child. It was a night etched into his memory with a clarity that often felt like a curse. The smoke, the screams, and the sudden, terrible silence that followed. He had hidden in a cupboard, clutching his little sister’s teddy bear, unable to do anything but wait and pray that the nightmare would end. It never did.

Orphaned and alone, Jugg had eventually been taken in by marines who found him, wandering the ruins of his home with a blank stare. The commander, a grizzled veteran named Briggs, saw something in the boy's eyes – a mix of pain and determination. Briggs took Jugg under his wing, teaching him the ways of the marines, instilling in him a sense of discipline and purpose.

As he grew older, Jugg dedicated himself to the life of a marine. He trained harder than anyone else, pushing his body to its limits and beyond. The scars he bore were not just from battles, but from the relentless drive to be the best, to be strong enough to protect others so that no one else would have to endure the pain he had. Each scar was a story, a testament to his willpower and resilience. (edited)

But it wasn't just duty that drove him. Deep down, Jugg carried the hope that somewhere, somehow, his family was still out there. He clung to fragments of memories, the laughter of his little sister, the warm embrace of his mother, the stern but loving gaze of his father. These memories were his anchor, the reason he kept going. They were the light that guided him through the darkest times.

One particularly stormy night, Jugg found himself back at the dock where it all began. He closed his eyes, letting the memories wash over him like the waves against the shore. He remembered the night he lost everything, but also the days that followed.

Jugg opened his eyes and looked out at the horizon, the storm clouds parting to reveal a sliver of moonlight. He knew he couldn't change the past, but he could honor it. He could live his life in a way that would make his family proud, that would make the sacrifices worth it. He would continue to fight, not just for himself, but for the memory of those he had lost, and for the future he hoped to build.

With a deep breath, Jugg stood up, his silhouette a stark contrast against the moonlit sea. He felt a renewed sense of purpose, a determination that burned brighter than ever. He was a marine, a protector, and he would carry on, driven by the love and memories of his family. And as long as he drew breath, he would never stop fighting for a better tomorrow.

Skills Learned

Emil Temp has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Jugg is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Jugg has the Nepleslian Standard Issue Equipment including:





Weapons and Weapon Accessories



OOC Information

This article was created on 2024/05/13 16:17 using the namespace template.

In the case Emil becomes inactive: