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Sharpe, Levanna

Levanna Sharpe is a player character played by Immortal Cyan.

Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Woman
Year of Birth: YE 27
Organization: Psychopomp LLC
Occupation: N/A
Rank: N/A
Plot: Psychopomp

Physical Description

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 155

Measurements: 39-24-40

At 5’8” and 155 pounds, Levanna has an athletic and shapely physical profile. She has deep olive skin with red undertones. Her natural hair is jet black and has a straight and silky texture, most often worn at neck length, and styled to resemble peek-a-boo bangs, which almost perpetually cover her left eye. Her brows are thin, well-groomed, and have a subtle arch. She has big eyes, with copiously long lashes, and ice blue irises. These features are accompanied by an aquiline nose, pouty lips, and a softly tapered chin which gives her face an oval shaped silhouette.


Levanna has the ideal psychological profile of a successful SSI subject. She is submissive to authority figures and is comfortable in rigid hierarchies. While she is prone to talking about officers behind their backs, she swiftly carries out any orders given to her. In her interpersonal interactions and outside of the presence of authority figures, Levanna is cheerful and jovial, and is easily able to make friends with strangers.


Levanna was “born” in a cloning facility in the year YE 27, in a body aged to 12 years old. She is a subject of the SSI (super_soldier_initiative). Her body was grown in a cloning facility designed to facilitate the mass production of genetically manipulated clone subjects. At early childhood, she began the rigorous initiation and training procedures practiced by the initiative. The OGU (Operator Guidance Unit), SHAM (Skeletal Human Augmented Mechanism), and MEME (Mecha Employed Muscular Enhancement) operating systems were surgically installed within her body as her training progressed. During her training, Levanna developed proficiency with all combat skills, however she demonstrated superior marksmanship and athletic skills. As such, Levanna was given advanced marksmanship training. After her initiation ended in YE 38, Levanna was placed in a combat team.

Skills Learned

Fighting: Levanna is proficient with all common fighting skills (Martial Arts, Zero-G Combat, However, she excels at marksmanship and stealth techniques.

Physical: Due to her modified genetic code and implanted operating systems, Levanna was created to have better physical attributes than even the most outstanding human athletes and soldiers. However, Levanna has athletically distinguished herself from her peers in the SSI program. Levanna has excellent speed and quickness in comparison to her peers.

Survival and Military: Levanna is proficient in survival techniques, which range from survival in hostile environments to finding shelter and sustenance outside of civilization.

Strategy: Levanna is capable of understanding military discipline, commands, and tactical commands. She is capable of observing military structure while within “hot zones”.

Communications: Proficient speaker and writer of Trade (language) and Yamataigo (邪馬台語)

Inventory & Finance

Levanna Sharpe has the following items:

Implants and Modifications

1. OGU (Operator Guidance Unit)

2. SHAM (Skeletal Human Augmented Mechanism)

3. MEME (Mecha Employed Muscular Enhancement

Civil Attire

1. Nepleslian Wardrobe Essentials/Basics

PMC/SSI Attire

1.SSI/Psychopomp Standard Issue


1. za_fwr_01

OOC Information

In the case ximmortalxbeauty becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameSharpe, Levanna
Character OwnerImmortal Cyan
Character StatusInactive Player Character
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