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Wolfgang Lehrer

A Player Character involved in Origin Industries, he is controlled by Matthew.

Wolfgang Lehrer
Species: Surfacer/Nightwalker Hybrid, Abwehrans
Gender: Male
Age: 13 Abwehran years 1)
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 7'0“ (213.36 cm)
Weight: 280 lbs (127.01 kg)
Organization Weltraumflotte, Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF)
Rank Oberstabsfeldwebel
Occupation Starship Engineer
Current Placement Military Liaison, Origin Industries

Current Events

Wolfgang has traveled to Dawn Station to report for duty as Military Liaison for the Corporation.


A slightly above-average, Abwehran male in height, Wolfgang Lehrer is a very intimidating looking individual with his 'ripped' muscular structure. Coming from both a Nacht Bewohner bloodline and a Oberflächenbewohner bloodline, Wolfgang has a mixture of the two races' physical traits. From his father, he inherited the Nightwalker's extreme photo-sensitivity and relative comfort of the darkness. This requires him to wear the typical thick, dark goggles in bright areas like all of his kin. From his mother, he inherited her dark skin tone, which is closer to mahogany than black. He wears his jet-black hair with in military regulation with the sides and back of his head completely bald and a quarter-inch of black hair on the top of his head.

While he looks fairly young for a Warrant Officer, appearing to be twenty-one, his squarish-head and chiseled jaw give him a face that would have been made for a military recruitment poster. Unfortunately, or fortunately in his opinion, a jagged scar runs along his jawline on his right side. While many Marines probably have scars from training or combat situations, Wolfgang's makes him look more roguish, which is the last thing any recruiter wants on their poster.

Like all Abwehran males, Wolfgang has two pairs of arms with one pair underneath the other. Upon the shoulder of his upper-right arm, Wolfgang has a tattoo of a black, Höhlewolf 2) stretching up from his elbow as if it were charging up towards his head.



According to many a psychological report, Wolfgang Lehrer seems to be a rather stable and reliable individual. While it is true that many non-royal, hybrids suffer from a number of psychological disorders due to some discriminatory elements of society, Wolfgang doesn't seem to suffer from any of these due to being raise in a very stable household. While he doesn't socialize as much as he should, he is able to operate quite well in public settings and with co-workers.

On duty, Wolfgang seems to keep the appropriate distance between his subordinates and him. While never quite becoming their friend, he asserts himself in a manner that doesn't offend or ostracize others. Though he could make more of an effort on relaxing in front of the enlisted, in order to establish himself as an Officer rather than an NCO with a commission, his fitness reports speak of his excellent performance.

From what has been seen, Wolfgang's general personality can be construed as “less-than-tactful” and fairly rough. He has a hard time being diplomatic about certain situations (those normally involving his duties) and can still be blunt when off-duty. This can be contributed to his time in the Marine Corp, since the HMS Dauntless' Marine Company has always been a tad on the rough and brash side.

As a side note, it is very rare to see an Abwehran his age without at least a fiance or lover. Quite frankly, it's down right disturbing. An average Abwehran is sexually active around the age of 5-6 Abwehran Years. Wolfgang Lehrer wasn't sexually active until the age of 9 Abwehran Years and has yet to find a steady lover or even a fiance. This may indicate a variety of possibilities. First, he has a lack of sex drive or even an immature one. Second, the effect of being raised in a monogamist relationship (his parents) and observing a polygamist relationship (the rest of his family) might have confused him as a child and caused some psychological problems for him now. A third choice could be that he is one of the few Abwehrans that just takes his time or is more like a Oberflächenbewohner and doesn't feel the need to 'settle down' just yet. Signs of all three can be seen in him, but it is unknown which one is predominant.

Either way, it is safe to say that he is fully fit to perform his duties now.

Hauptmann Zelda Zimmerman
Chief Psychologist, Defense Post 3



Name Relation Age Race Occupation
Gunter Lehrer Grandfather 47 AY Nacht Bewohner Retired Engineer
Brunhilde Lehrer Grandmother (Matriarch) 47 AY Nacht Bewohner Retired Politician
Hilda Lehrer 2nd Grandmother 48 AY Nacht Bewohner Retired Marine, Oberbootsmann
Reinhardt Lehrer Father 27 AY Nacht Bewohner Starship Captain, Hauptmann
Gisela Lehrer Birth Mother 26 AY Oberflächenbewohner Artist
Richter Lehrer Uncle 24 AY Nacht Bewohner Engineer
Elisabeth Lehrer Richter's 1st Wife 23 AY Nacht Bewohner Engineer
Belinda Lehrer Richter's 2nd Wife 16 AY Nacht Bewohner Law Enforcement, Gefreiter
Richter Lehrer Jr. Richter's Son 10 AY Nacht Bewohner Marine, Maat
Ada Lehrer Richter's Daughter 5 AY Nacht Bewohner College Student
Micheal Lehrer Richter's Son 1 AY Nacht Bewohner None

Summarized Events



In the small, underground town of Höhlestadt in the year After Freedom 247, Wolfgang Lehrer was born to a Nacht Bewohner Starship Captain and a Oberflächenbewohner Artist. Being one of the few Surfacer/Nightwalker Hybrids in existence, Wolfgang was always considered a strange creature. His mother, Gisela Lehrer, was from a very religious family from the surface. A religion that actively scorned Nacht Bewohner as demons. Because of this, Gisela and her child were estranged from their Surfacer kin. However, the Lehrer made up for that loss by loving them unconditionally.

Wolfgang grew up a very confused child though. With his father choosing monogamy over the traditional polygamy that most Nacht Bewohner practiced, Wolfgang didn't live in the same environment as his other peers. Of course, he knew polygamy existed since his uncle, Richter, had two wives. But it didn't really 'sink in' how different he was until secondary school. With the awkwardness of adolescence and his differences, Wolfgang didn't seem to have much of a social life beyond friends. While many of his friends were dating and having fun, Wolfgang concentrated on his studies and his sword training.

It was during this point that he became interested in engineering. Having enjoyed listening to his grandfather, Gunter, work as a child, Wolfgang had grown fascinated by solving problems and designing various things. One of his final projects as a senior had been a case study on the Höhlestadt Cave-in of AC 340 and the design flaws that caused it. Wolfgang also showed some interest in the military life. His natural wanderlust from his Nacht Bewohner bloodline seemed to pull him towards the stars, but not in the Weltraumflotte's Space Force. No, he wanted to be in the Marine Corp. With all the news reports on the Pirate War and the daring Marines that took the fight to them, how could someone not be exited by the adventure. So upon graduating from secondary school, Wolfgang enlisted in the Weltraumflotte Marines.

Military Training

While Wolfgang thought he had been prepared for the rigors of military training, he had still be surprised when he arrived at Großartige Festung Basic Training Center in the capital city. The Physical Training didn't surprise him a whole lot, but the near-brutal methods of the Bootsmann-Instructors was a shock. For Three Month, Wolfgang was run into the ground, not realizing that his thought processes were being changed until the end of this three month stint.

While it was quite a shock at how much he had changed, Wolfgang didn't have much time to think about it as he was shipped off to Fort Hinterland for the next step of his training. There, the young Abwehran was subjected to the Corps Survival Training Program. Most of this was in the form of lectures and training in simulations for most of a month, but the final test proved to be difficult. To test their recruits on what they had learned, the Weltraumflotte picked a random environment on abwehr and dropped them off for a week with the objective to avoid capture and survive. Wolfgang was promptly dropped off in the tundras of the Southern Pole with three other recruits for his test. Though it was difficult, Wolfgang and his buddies did pass their test. One of them, however, suffered from an extreme case of frostbite and was forced into medical leave for six months, which placed him behind the others of his group.

Wolfgang, on the other hand, was shipped off to Weltraumflotte Headquarters for the final part of his training. Placed into a group of aspiring Combat Engineers, Wolfgang was trained in the basic concepts of Field Engineering and Demolitions. Participation in the AF 252 Field Problem, an annual war game of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) would be Wolfgang's final test before his deployment.

Military Career

Wolfgang's first assignment was as a Combat Engineer for the HMS Dauntless' Marine Company. As part of the Second Squad of the First Rifle Platoon, Wolfgang was the most junior combat engineer of the group. During this time, the HMS Dauntless had been assigned to the Jaspis Prime Asteroid Ring in Anti-Pirate Operations. While the Pirate War had ended two Abwehran years (eight standard years) prior, many small pirate clans still operated in the Asteroid Ring where chasing them was difficult. Wolfgang participated in quite a few boarding operations during his time assigned to the Dauntless and was even involved in an asteroid base assault. Spending three tours of duty on board the Dauntless, Wolfgang would be transferred to Weltraumflotte Headquarters after his promotion to Oberbootsmann.

His station with the Headquarter's 2nd Marine Battalion was a bit slower than his time on the Dauntless. Most of his duties were aiding the Technicians and Starship Engineers on board the station with quite a few patrols through critical station areas. The main difference between his assignment on a Destroyer and his assignment in Headquarters was that he was a part of a Heavy Weapons Company rather than a Rifle Company. This meant he spend quite a bit of his duty time and free time training in the use of the Dämon Infantry Power Armor. By the time he was 12 Abwehran Years old, Wolfgang had become the Battalion Stabsbootsmann due to his rescue of three technicians from an engineering accident.

It was by this time that First Contact with the Yamatai Star Empire's Fifth Expeditionary Fleet occurred and started a wide spread panic across the system as they left as suddenly as they entered. Having aided the Engineers of Weltraumflotte HQ for three years, Wolfgang had learned much about the operations of starships and other space facilities. With his interest in them growing, he transferred to the Space Forces of the Weltraumflotte in order to become a Starship Engineer himself. Entering Officer's School in AF 259, he would only be trained in more advanced Engineering practices before being assigned to the HMS Valiant. While this was highly irregular, shortages of trained personnel during the fleet build-up had led to the Weltraumflotte to push Officer's Candidates who finished their practical training into active service as Warrant Officers.

As a Stabsfeldwebel, Wolfgang served on board the Squadron Flagship of DesRon002 as one of three Engineers. While he was supposed to take online training courses for the rest of his Officer's Training, it would be a secondary concern compared to his duties. Stabsfeldwebel Lehrer served on board the HMS Valiant during the Khorovaroloran Incident when DesRon002 was called in to place the planet under quarantine. He was actually the Engineer on Watch when the Skirmish between DesRon002 and the Security Force occurred, though he was placed onto Damage Control when the Chief Engineer was roused from stand-by. As apart of Damage Control, Wolfgang aided in the containment and repair of battle damage incurred by Security Force weapons fire. However, while rescuing three crew members from a damaged 80mm Laser Turret, the turret was hit by enemy fire. This caused shrapnel to strike Wolfgang, severing both his legs under the knees and smaller shrapnel to strike his back. He probably would have died if it were not for the Medical Technicians still on board.

Transferred to a Fresha-class Small Transport, Wolfgang was sent to Defense Post 3 in the Schongebiet system to receive proper medical attention. Promoted to Oberstabsfeldwebel, he stayed on medical leave for the remainder of the year as he went through physical therapy for his regenerated legs. It wasn't until the First Quarter of AF 260 when he would receive new orders. With contact between Origin Industries and the Abwehran Star Empire underway, the need for a permanent Military Liaison was needed. Rather than send an Officer that would be needed on board one of the ships of the ever growing Ersteflotte, the Weltraumflotte decided that Wolfgang Lehrer would be the Liaison.


Service Record






Wolf's Skills


Wolfgang is fluent in Abwehran and knows the proper methods of writing reports and filling out military forms. He is also a fluent speaker in Trade 3), but has a bit of trouble writing in it. He is also quite adept at the use of Shipboard communication systems and standard military communication equipment.


Being a Combat Engineer in the Weltraumflotte Marine Corp often means dealing with a variety of explosives. Great care was given to Wolfgang in his explosives training. Because of this, he is able to identify, handle, arm, place, and disarm a variety of military-grade and some commercial grade explosives. He is also able to create explosives from even the most common of household items/chemicals. It's safe to say that Nachrichtendienst keeps a close eye on him.


Wolfgang has been an engineer since his days as a Maat in the Marine Corp. Of course, during that time his training was basic at best, but he has great experience in solving problems of the engineering persuasion. If you need something designed in the field like a bunker or a bridge, he would have been your man. Upon his promotion to a Warrant Officer, he branched his studies of Engineering into general Starship Engineering which includes the design and construction methods of Abwehran Engineering.


Being raised by a Nacht Bewohner father, Wolfgang was taught how to use a longsword in both self-defense and duels to first blood. As a Marine, he was trained in the basics of hand-to-hand combat and close-quarters combat with knives. His training in sword combat was also fleshed out during his Corp training. Wolfgang was also taught the proper usage and operation of the mass-driver pistol and the mass driver rifle. His stint in a heavy weapons company also gave him training in the operation of Abwehran Power Armor.


As an Engineer, Wolfgang's in-depth knowledge of how a ship operates gives him the capability to repair any of the systems found on an Abwehran starship.


Including the algebra, trigonometry, and basic calculus all Abwehran soldiers are taught, Wolfgang has also studied many of the higher mathematics. This includes theoretical mathematics necessary for the necessary design of hyperspace fold systems and other advanced technologies available to the Abwehran Star Empire.

Technology Operations

As a soldier, Wolfgang was trained of shipboard computer systems and how to properly search for and enter information into them. He is also trained in the operation of the Abwehran Skinsuit, which is required by all personnel in the Weltraumflotte. As a Marine, Wolfgang was also trained in the manual operation of Abwehran shipboard weapon systems in case bridge control had been severed.

Currently Training

Finances and Posessionss


Money Card

Current Balance: 4200 AC
Description Deposit Withdrawal Balance
Starting Balance 9000 AC
Personal Sword 600 AC 8400 AC
Luggage 200 AC 8200 AC
Savings Account Deposit 4000 AC 4200 AC

Savings Account

Current Balance: 4000 AC
Description Deposit Withdrawal Balance
Starting Balance 4000 AC 4000 AC


Currently on Wolfgang



In Luggage





Weaponry and Tools

Personal Hygiene


Possessions Elsewhere

Character Data
Character NameWolfgang Lehrer
Character OwnerMatthew
Character StatusInactive Player Character
46 Standard Years
Cavern Wolf