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Economic Collapse of the OSO

Economic Collapse is a subplot following the activity of the Frontier Service Corporation’s creation of the OSO’s currency trade and eventually collapse. Run by Rizzo, who’d volunteered to flesh out the OSO’s economy, Economic Collapse was the reflection of IC activity in other factional plots culminating in the collapse of the economy.

Plot Details

Economic Collapse
Format: Complete


The following members have expressed their intent to join the plot: . The GM plans to use the following methods to find more players:


Summaries of the story shall be provided in segments due to there being multiple parts over the course of over a year.

Economic Collapse Pt.1

The story began with Pt.1, picking up just after a parade demonstrating Section 6’s newly purchased IIS-built Carriers. As the Frontier Banking Service was primarily human operated the prospective problems were not foreseen by the bank facilitating the transaction and the bank ran out of money due to the banking service’s practice of converting the local denomination(arcmarks) at a 1:1 rate with the DA to maintain an artificial economy. Now without the backing of foreign denominations the arcmark was valueless and overnight Planet Osman was in a total depression.

In a public address Candon Howard Suites would publicly denounce the behavior of Section 6 and IIS while calling on the support of the public in his plan to stabilize the economy while providing relief supplies and work. With Mishhuvurthyar now roaming their section of space they would need to fix the issue quickly.

Economic Collapse Pt.2-3

Following the public address, civil unrest only intensified as rioting and looting took place in Osman City and armed conflict on Howard Station spread. Most notably was the angry mob surrounding the S6 headquarters, a situation which stood on the knifes edge of turning violent. Using data from media city surveillance it became obvious to him that this was no ordinary mob, it was being instigated.

Infuriated by the undeveloped humans of the planet Candon devised a plan to evacuate the IIS personnel while deceiving the mob to believe they’d gotten ‘justice’ all while identifying and incapacitating the instigators.

The IIS personnel would be escorted to Howard Station secretly guarded by S6 soldiers where they would be reunited with their families and returned to IIS. All the while the instigators of the violent mob were only just the beginning.

The fallout of the collapse inspired over 5000 employees on Howard Station bent on a ‘hostile takeover’ of the company. They would operate in the unopened areas of the station stealing supplies and eventually becoming branded as economic terrorists by FSC as they promoted their image in order to suppress those who resisted their efforts to regain control of the market.

Economic Permanence

By means of cronyism, giving favored contracts and assistance to cooperative business leaders and pushing companies refusing to accept the arcmarks at the value set by the banking service economic stabilization had eventually reached unexpected success. Though not nearly as strong as before, local businesses were once again providing goods and services at rates people could afford. Having been a major provider of relief service and work FSCorp had built an image of being run by the locals, for the locals. In short, the planets economy had stabilized.

Given the chaotic nature of the collapse and the violence that had ensued aboard Howard Station there were still many who desired to depose FSC’s leadership with some seeking a takeover and others wanting complete removal of the company. Some operating more violently than others. Being the minority and being branded as economic terrorists for their actions, a Shadow War ensued in which FSC used their favorable image to make the final push on these violent entities.

Having crushed the worst of the groups Candon would personally be there for a final encounter with the last, and most influential and dangerous of the instigators. The man was executed, ending the uprising and sending a message to those like him of what awaited any who threatened the economic system set in place by the banking service.

Returning Home

Shortly after came the official opening of the Kuvexian Invasion of YE 41. It was time for Candon to return to his place in the Star Army of Yamatai. Before leaving he would leave orders to the android Mr. Donovan to reorganize the fleet to assist people harmed during the war and ordered that a bounty be placed on the CEO of the company Osman Heavy Industries and their technology for leaving a message with negative implications towards FSC that would be addressed on local networks. Without tangible proof the company would still be granted Yamataian registration though with Candon preoccupied with the war effort there would be no one to remove the bounty.

After the disappearance of the OSO’s leader corruption on Planet Osman and within the Sky Guard would eventually change the OSO into a military regime, all the while Mr. Donovan would continue running FSCorp, maintaining stability, and overseeing the planets populace.