Table of Contents


The Iyaehots system is the home system for the Kiaron, it is also known as E12. The Iyaehots System is comprised of five planets, with a large asteroid belt located between Iyaehots II and Iyaehots III, Iyaehots V is considered the last planet in the Iyaehots System.

The Flag

The Flag of the Iyaehots System is below.

The Lost Son

The Kiaron are considered the lost Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species) survivors when their ship got damaged during the maiden voyage towards Nesha Prime (Planet). Their engines slingshot past the star system when it was hit by an unknown anomaly. The ship drifted for months without proper navigation until it reached Iyahots and made an emergency landing at its habitable planet in ER 003-V. The Kiaron developed over the years a strong passion for their belief, tradition, and rituals and while considering still Shukaren Daur (Sub-Species), the planetary radiation had a certain affects on their body development that made them seen as the fourth sub-class that originate from the Kingdom of Neshaten.

In EE 005-V the SNV Cercatore Di Stella made contact with the Kiaron and began diplomatic efforts with them. Under the leadership of U'Cetrinal Vivaldo La Rostislavovna the team began their investigation into the history of the Kiaron and try to open channels with them with the eventual goal to re-intergrate them into the Kingdom of Neshaten.

<Under Development>


More facts about the Iyaehots System are listed below.

The Heart of Iyaehots

About the Iyaehots System Star, Planets, and other features.


The Iyaehots Star

The heart of the Iyaehots System:

The Iyaehots Star
System Registry Iyaehots-M-5
Star Names Iyaehots
Type M5 V Red Dwarf
Distance Central Star
Radius 2.61 x 105 km
Surface Temperature 2700 K
Average Mass 4.94 x 1029 kg
Luminosity 2.59 x 1024 W
Number of Planets 5

Iyaehots I

<Under Development> - Terrestrial World, Planetar Rings

Iyaehots II

<Under Development> - Rock Planet

Asteroid Belt

<Under Development> - Rock Planet

Iyaehots III

<Under Development> - Rock Planet

Iyaehots IV

<Under Development> - Ice Planet and Moon

Iyaehots V

<Under Development> - Ice Planet

The Kiaron Acivities

<Under Development>


<Under Development>


These Characters are present in the system:1)

RP Opportunities

Great roleplay opportunities.

Local Rumors

Maybe true, maybe not.

OOC Notes

Patrick created this article on 2021/02/18 06:49 using the namespace template.

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