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Hostile "Mauler" Upgrade Package

The Hostile “Mauler” Upgrade Package is a package of upgrades and updates for the NAM Terratech General Combat Armorsuit – “Hostile”, developed in YE 41 by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions for the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. The Mauler upgrade is a more physically oriented upgrade to the Hostile, focusing on improvements to its protection, ease of use, and mobility.

Development History

The Mauler Upgrade Package was developed not based simply on real world problems and concerns faced by users of the Hostile, though these absolutely did factor in to the form the package took. The Mauler was inspired by Nepleslia and NAM sticking its head up, looking at the military capabilities of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia, and starting to sweat just a little bit. While the war was unlikely to be fought on Nepleslian soil again, this opened up a new set of problems: the logistics of fighting war on someone else's territory.

The upgrade package, then, was developed to refit the Hostile for the unique stresses of expeditionary warfare. the Power Armor was given new armor, but more importantly it was given a series of upgrades with the intent of reducing the strain on supply lines. The electronics of the armorsuit remain the same, as the current computer system was deemed suitable.

Armor & Construction

The armor of the Hostile is upgraded slightly with the Mauler Package, with Leptonium added to the external armor layer atop the Durandium Alloy base layer alongside the extant Nerimium.

Additionally, the frame of the Hostile is replaced, swapping out the Diamond Nanotube frame entirely for one constructed of a Boron-Ceramic composite. Likewise, the Mauler upgrade does away with the heavy lead lining, replacing it synthetic polymer that blocks radiation.

Dual-Stage Hyperspace Tap Drive

The primary upgrade of the Mauler Package is the replacement of the Hostile's old fusion based propulsion systems with the newer NAM Dual-stage Hyperspace Tap Drive. With spare parts for the DHTD common now thanks to its adoption by Nepleslian starfighters, the larger size, higher performance, and reduced fuel consumption of the DHTD was deemed a suitable set of traits to equip the upgraded Hostile.

Black Veil Suite

Developed precisely for this purpose, the Na-M/V-E4100 Black Veil Electronic Warfare Suite is Nepleslia's best, most technologically advanced and capable Electronic Warfare suite. Replacing earlier suites and systems, the Black Veil is a robust system capable of:

Communications Suite

The NA-M11-E3600 Chatterbox Communications Array is mounted to the Hostile as part of the package, centralizing and improving the armor's communications systems.


The Mauler Package includes a complete Na-M/V-E3800 "OmniEye" Sensor System sensor suite to support and augment the armor's existing Monoeye.

Self Repair

Using the space saved by the switch to using the DHTD for propulsion, the Mauler Upgrade Package was free to incorporate a NAM Nano-Constructor System. Not intended to repair the Hostile's armor or allow it to fight on indefinitely like some kind of monster machine, the NCS instead is meant to perform day to day, minute to minute maintenance and repairs on the Hostile's internal systems to extend their useful service life, and by extension reduce the amount of repairs and spare parts the armorsuit would need.


The Mauler Upgrade Pack improves the Hostile's armaments in only two ways: the addition of HEAT Weapons, and the addition of a dedicated storage space on the armor's backpack to carry a second primary handheld weapon.

OOC Notes

Firebrand created this article on 2019/09/08 20:07.

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