Table of Contents

New Dusk Conclave WIP & Wanted

This page is a hub for the development of wiki articles for the New Dusk Conclave.

Wanted Pages

These are pages that the NDC wants or needs to have created. Articles should remain in the wip:faction:ndc: space until they've been reviewed by a Faction Manager and approved by the NTSE.

When working on articles, please keep the following in mind:

General Wiki Work

General Articles Needed

Territory Articles Needed

Ship Interior Component Articles Needed

Major Ship Component Articles Needed

Craft Articles Needed (Low Priority)

Starship Articles Needed (Low Priority)

Other Technology Articles Needed (High Priority)

List of New Dusk Conclave WIPs

No pages in this namespace.

Black Wing Enterprises

No pages in this namespace.

this namespace doesn't exist: wip:corp:noval_heavy_industries

Ice Box

Ideas that aren't planned to be used in the future, but still retain their articles.

this namespace doesn't exist: faction:ndc:icebox

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2020/04/18 22:12.