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So-H1-01a Anjea-class Orbital Birthyard

The Anjea-class Orbital Birthyard combines the systems of a starbase, ecological maintenance satellite and orbital production facility into a single unified system. It is the largest of the Organoid units designed to date.

About the Anjea

Key Features

Mission Specialization


History and Background

As the development of VANDR and organoid starships and mecha began to take flight, many sections of the Iromakuanhe industrial were bracing for the possibility of their methods and products being obsoleted. As a consequence, many corporations and educational foundations had begun to boycott Solan Starworks, the developers of the organoid archetype and all subsequent designs, in an attempt to keep their own more conventional technologies as the mainstream. Consequently, the corporation was unable to get the capital or scientific expertise outside of what was available in its staff, assets and government funding on certain projects. Because they'd never been more than a research firm with a few prototyping labs designed for normal solid-state technologies, the process of turning the dense mass of undifferentiated organoid cells into workable forms became expensive and arduous.

Things changed when a offer to share manpower and expertise arrived from their former child company Ahmida Civiltech and the biomedical giant Altjira Biomedical. This marked the first of many joint efforts between all three companies, and allowed the project to continue forward.

Although the minor details of the design could be worked out easily, the issue still remained about how the craft and vehicles would be grown. Using the large industrial facilities Ahmida had obtained from their separation from Solan coupled with ecology system developped by Altjira, the Solan engineers developed a 'sea of life' in which new organic vehicles could be created. The idea was simple: to grow the basic chassis for the vehicle or starship could be started off in a larval or embryonic stage, that has been altered to express the same basic genes in different manners. Limbs could grown out in any shape or number desired, or could be repurposed to form spires, wing-like fins or even hollow cylinders in which engines could be installed.

Statistics and Performance


Class: So-H1-01a Anjea Type: Orbital Organoid Birthyard Designers: <Character or organization who designed the ship> Manufacturer: <Shipbuilder and location of manufacture> Production: <How many have been made?> Fielded by: <Organizations using this vessel>



(1): Main Section

Length: 6550 meters ( feet) Width: 6550 meters (<XXX> feet) Height: 6150 meters (<XXX> feet) Decks:

(2): Tower Section

Length: 5750 meters ( feet) Width: 6750 meters (<XXX> feet) Height: 11750 meters (<XXX> feet) Decks:

Propulsion and Range

MASC Drive: 1500c Sublight Engines: .125c Range (Distance): Up to 420 days of FTL (35.95 LY), or 820 STL (2.135 LD) Range (Support): Theoretically infinite while in-system Lifespan: Theoretically infinite while in-system Refit Cycle: Constantly self-repairing and recycling old components

Inside the Station


The main structure of the Anjea is a single oval center section known as the 'Sea of Life', a massive facility which contains the main 'construction' facilities for organoid units, as well as the living quarters for the engineering staff and scientists. The towers that sit on the bottom and top of the facility are primarily for docking and contain the secondary manufacturing facilities for the inorganic components of the craft, as well as specific symbiotic lifeforms such as the coral-like Aerudirn and 'Natural Intelligences'.

Both civilian and military personnel may maintain quarters in the mid and inner areas of the towers. In most cases, the central ring around the docks will be converted for use as commercial and recreational areas, allowing the installation to essentially function as a complete city all on its own. The only areas that are inaccessible are the drone-operated maintenance zones and the ecological control systems that allow the Anjea's LCOMNI to regulate and control any terraforming projects being carried out from orbit.

Gravity inside the areas are defined in a curious manner, using a Gravitic Boundary System which causes both towers to both have the point where they are joined with the central area as their 'ground floor', requiring that the elevators that run through the central chamber rotate on their x-axis while transitioning between both towers to prevent fall-based injuries from the sudden shift in gravitation. The laboratories and manufacture areas inside the main facility are also arranged differently, 'pulling' objects outside of the central fluid chamber towards the mid-outer walls and using those surfaces as the 'floor', while again having zero gravity on the outermost accessible ring.

Main Facility

Compartment Information
Compartment Number Designation Deck/Ring Areas Purpose Gravity Direction Special Notes
Compartment 1 Sea of Life Ring 0 (Central) No Decks1) Primary Birthyard Facilities None Accessed through Compartment 2.
Compartment 2 Birthyard Core Facilities Ring 1 No Decks2) Processing Facilities Towards Core Only direct access point to Sea of Life sector.
Compartment 3 Birthyard Control Ring 2 No Decks3) Laboratories Towards Core None
Compartment 4 Birthyard Core Residential Ring 3 Deck 1-8 Facility Crew Quarters Towards Core Accessible to tower zones.
Compartment 5 Birthyard Core Commercial Ring 3 Deck 9-10 Facility Amenities Towards Core Accessible to tower zones.
Compartment 6 Birthyard Core Pavilion Ring 4-5 No Decks4) Observation Deck None All outer walls are transparent, meaning that housing units in Compartments 4-5 can see through these rings.


Compartment Information
Compartment Number Designation Deck/Ring Areas Purpose Gravity Direction Special Notes
Compartment 1
Compartment 2
Compartment 3
Compartment 4
Compartment 5
Compartment 6
Compartment 7
Compartment 8
Compartment 9

Station Systems

Vehicle Complement



1) , 2) , 3) , 4)
This ring is a single continuous deck.