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CBRN-Modular Bay Configuration

The UMBER module for the Teisatsu-class Special Operations Support Transport.

General Statistics for the CBRN-Modular Bay Configuration
Year Introduced YE 44
Class/Nomenclature Yu-S1-M4402
Alternative Nomenclature UMBER Package, Quarantine Package, Bad News
Designers Yugumo Fleetworks, Star Army Special Operations
Manufacturer Yugumo Fleetworks
Fielded By Limited numbers for testing by Star Army Special Operations
Availability Prototype
Maintenance Cycle Inspections between every mission
Lifespan Replace parts as needed
Pricing Price In KS


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General Statistics

Every corridor and chamber is sealed off by Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors. This includes the Standard Star Army Zero-Gravity Passageways. Each door can be opened by a physical or verbal command or remotely, but they can also be locked down so that only the mission commander and executive officer can override them. The ship’s captain doesn’t have permission to override the order. At the orders of the mission commander each corridor functions on airlock rules, requiring the passage to be sealed on both ends and scanned before opening on one end. Along with normal fire suppression safety features, each chamber has dispensers that can spray a variety of vaporized sterilizing agents into the room or passage. This is only the first sterilization tier. There is also a Ke-M2-W2904 Flamethrower mounted to the corner of each room. Finally, for the most dire situations, the CBRN-Module mounts a variable yield aether bomb capable of simply obliterating the ship or at the high end, everything for miles. This is a last resort. The module has a separate life support system that can isolate any room and utilizes ultrasonic beam emitters inside the ventilation tubes similar to the Chiaki-class (1A) Escort Destroyer as an anti-infestation measure. The walls, floor, and ceiling in the CBRN module are all coated in thin layers of graphene materials to create an anitmicrobrial coating.

The hall on Deck 3, which connects to the vehicle bay has lockers along the walls for gear storage. The armor can be sterilized with strong cleaning agents and the passage also functions as a sterilization shower for the away team.

Automated Lab

The automated lab features an Autonomous Medical Treatment Center that can be used to perform medical procedures, autopsies, and examinations without exposing personnel to potential biohazards or contagions. The AMTC includes an Medical Unit, a Triage Unit, a Nurse Unit, and a Surgical Unit.

Emergency Containment Lab


The morgue facility is a rather small freezer that can be used to store bodies for autopsies or post mortem containment.

Passenger Quarters

UMBER teams sleep in a pair of Standard Star Army Infantry Squad Cabin. Some versions of the CBRN package instead use a Star Army Half-Century Barracks (Plumeria Type). They generally use the Squad Room or the Dining Hall for recreational facilities.

Science Lab

The primary science lab is based around the Star Army Combined Sciences Laboratory. Additionally, this lab has equipment for analyzing astronomical anomalies.

Squad Room

Inspired by similar rooms in the Kyaa-class Search and Rescue Vessel1), the squad room consists of a briefing room where teams can prepare for missions and familiarize themselves with the most up to date intelligence. The room includes a podium with controls for the large viewscreens and volumetric displays as well as surround sound and twelve chairs facing the presenter.

Associated Equipment

OOC Notes

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