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Sid Mosfet

Sid Mosfet is a player character played by Hyralt.

Sid Mosfet
A Portrait of Sid Mosfet
Species Nepleslian
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1日 4月 YE 22
Organization Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation Enlistee
Rank None Yet
Current Placement Kyoto
Height 190cm (6'3“)
Weight 70kg (154lbs)

Preferred Plots

  1. Basic Training

Physical Description

Sid has red hair buzzed short, blue eyes, and pale skin. He is incapable of growing a full beard, so he keeps himself closely shaven but his patchy facial hair is quite fast-growing so he often looks pretty scruffy by the end of the day. He has a baritone voice and smells faintly of sandalwood.


Sid is a slacker and tries to do as little as possible to get by. He enlisted in the Star Army because he couldn't figure out anything better to do. His ultimate goal in life is to move to somewhere tropical and spend the rest of his life sipping cocktails and taking naps on a beach. He's not sure how he can get there by being a slacker grunt, but that's his plan. He is not easily angered but he is easily confused and feels that most people talk too fast for him to keep up.

Sid likes all kinds of people as long as they aren't fast talkers, who he views with deep suspicion.


Sid Mosfet was born in YE 22 in the city of Funky City, Planet Nepleslia. He never knew his biological father. He grew up with his mother, stepfather, and stepbrother until his mother and stepfather split up, after which he never saw his stepfather or stepbrother Alan again.

In YE 32, his mother was killed in a fatal shooting while buying groceries. Rather than entering the foster home and orphanage system, he ran away and lived on the streets. Eventually he joined an unofficial orphanage run by Anthiathia "Thia" Keslie where he was free to do as he pleased as long as he occasionally contributed to food or other bills. That said, he rarely contributed and relied on the kindness of Aunty Thia's heart not to kick him out. In YE 36, he was caught at the scene of a crime and placed in foster care. He was adopted the same year by a Yamataian couple who brought him back with them to Ternifac where he became a Yamataian citizen and lived off of his parents' generosity.

In YE 40, Thia needed to leave Funky City and contacted him to ask about Ternifac. He described it as “like Funky City but nicer,” so she moved there. They stayed in touch, and she provided the tough love that his parents didn't give him, encouraging him to “get off his lazy butt and do something.” Eventually, he decided she was right. He couldn't think of anything better to do, so he enlisted with the Star Army of Yamatai.

Social Connections

Sid is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Sid Mosfet has the Star Army Standard Issue Items.

Sid Mosfet currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

In the case hyralt becomes inactive: