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Jarimin "Jay" Travers

Jarimin “Jay” Travers is a player character played by steeljaw36.

Jarimin “Jay” Travers
Species & Gender: Male Anthro
Date of Birth: 35日 9月 YE 02
Organization: Section 6
Occupation: Soldier
Rank: E7-R Corporal
Current Placement: NDC Ground Forces "Duskerian Legion"

Physical Description

About what you’d expect to see an anthro palomino horse to look like. Jay stands about 7’ high, not counting the ears. Bleached blond mane and tail (both usually kept short.) Head identicle to a horse’s other than the eyes (again, gold iris, brown pupils), which are a bit larger and set closer together, and here is where some of that golden hair covering him fades to a bright white stripe running all the way down his head, before turning dark grey around his muzzle. About 340 lbs now, long legged ending in a pair of two black hooves (Something he rather likes about this new body, as they’re an even more effective way of kicking someone’s ass than feet, almost nothing to break!) Not a great deal of other distinguishing things about him yet (again, new body), but I’d like to think he sounds a bit like Michael Ironside (If you don’t know who he is….shun the nonbeliever!)


Is what you’d call a straight shooter, Jay’s pretty much going to tell it like it is, weither or not you want to hear it (As you can imagine, this makes him all sorts of popular with useless REMF officers). Tends to be rather pragmatic, but couple that with a morbid sense of humor and a near inschaible curiosity for just about everything, his mind tends to see patterns and signs others may miss. Usually takes even the worst situations in stride, hard to anger, sure, but on the rare occasions he has been, the recipient of said anger makes a sorry sight indeed.

Hasn’t developed any really meaningful relationships outside of general comradely since his family was killed.

His hobbies include working and improving small arms, IEDs (yeah, don’t ask…), rocking out on the guitar and listening to/watching old music and TV shows, usually found/traded with various Freespacers. He’s taken a fair bit of amusement from quoting those old show lines he knows no one else understands.


Growing up on Neplesia, Jay’s early life was really unremarkable, other than his family was rather close, with them all living nearby. Coming from a family line of police officers, it was no surprise he joined the force after high school. Two years in, while secretly dismayed at the still widespread amount of corruption and gang activity, Jay took the motto “to protect and serve” to heart, becoming well liked by his peers, despite still being a rookie. He had a fiancée, a job he enjoyed and life was good.

Yeah, life had other plans, however.

One fateful tip called into the precinct found Jay and his partner, Sam called out to investigate a possible trafficking operation in known cartel territory. Turns out it was, and a big one too. Enough so that when it was broken up, it made the local news. That, unfortunately also tipped the cartel off as to who broke up thier little moneymaker, who put a hit out on both Jay and his partner. A corrupt detective gave them thier home address’s and that was all it took. Jay’s family was all together, as it was his neice’s birthday when the hit squad showed up. Jay himself had just gotten off shift and wasn’t there. While there weren’t any strangers to weapons, surprise and numbers worked against Jay’s family, and he came to his family home to find it shot up, the bodies of both his family and those cartel members they managed to take with them. One was still alive, unfortunately for him. Jay beat the rest of the plan out of him, then rushed to save his partner, getting there just in time, though not before they killed his brother and granddaughter. The anger and grief still fresh in them both, Jay and Sam armed up and, using the info beaten out of the former cartel member, assaulted the leader’s home complex, killing everyone and putting the leader into a vegetative coma, before burning down his house and dragging what was left back to the precinct. Vigilantism is frowned upon, though under the circumstances, they were both honorably discharged from the force for thier actions. In Jay’s case, that didn’t last long. After a couple months, he walked into a Nepleslian marine recruitment center and a year later, found himself a trooper….right in the middle of what became known as the Battle for Nepleslia. He gained a reputation for trying to keep his squad mates (and later, the squads he led) alive, despite the brutal odds against them. From one meat grinder to another, it eventually takes its toll. Jay felt he could do more elsewhere, enlisting in and completing Sniper/recon school, a role he found suited him better. Still, almost a decade passes and he finds himself still looking for something else. Somewhere where lives are viewed as a bit more than “acceptable losses”, despite The development of ST and brain spiders. That desire eventually learned him of S6. His current military contract was nearing its end, so he put in a transfer, maybe he’d found where he was looking for. A week or so after found him hitching a ride with a fuel convoy back to his current station after a range training session. What was supposed to be a short hop back to base turned quite literally into a good approximation of hell. The tanker he was riding in blew a tire, sending it into the guardrail of the highway overpass. Worse the second convoy tanker collided with them, tearing both tanks open, igniting the diesel and pushing Jay’s ride off the overpass. Bad enough right? Well, it gets worse. Regaining consciousness, Jarimin has already suffered burns, and is choking on the smoke. He still frees the driver and co-driver, helping the former pull the later away from the wreck….which has partially crushed a house, setting it ablaze as well. The three soldiers could hear the screams of those trapped within. Jarimin didn’t hesitate, despite his burns, he ripped the axe from the toolkit of the tanker, grabbed the second extinguisher from where it had been thrown away from the wreck,covered his mouth with his shirt and cut his way into the mangled, burning structure, managing to get the residents out before it collapsed…with him inside. Next thing he feels is pain, someone shouting that his new body is rejecting his brain spider and he might be out for a while…

Skills Learned


In addition to military procedures and all, Jarimin is fluent in trade, Nepleslian and (oddly) freefolk, picked up from his time in recon, as it was sometimes easier to hide thier arrival in a Freespacer craft rather than a covert military craft.


In addition to his military training and long sniper rifle experience, Jarimin spent much time learning other styles of hand to hand combat even becoming a certified master of Krav Maga. While he doesn’t claim to be an armorer, his gunsmithing skills are proficient, as he can (and has) modified his own weapons to suit his needs. Standard power armor operation and maintenance. Basic operation and maintenance of mechs.


Expert in primitive survival skills, makeshift shelter, land/water navigation, hunting, tracking, e&e, primitive/makeshift weapons, what did you expect? Graduate/reserve instructor of Nepleslia’s marine sniper school, this is his bread and butter, as the old saying goes.


Expert scout, enemy patrol patterns, security assessment, determining weak points, HVTs, choke/ambush points, training local forces for rebel actions, target strike planning. Proficient in use of spotting/marking scopes, lasers,etc.


Again graduate of marine scout/sniper school, so does expert proficiency really come as a surprise here?

Social Connections

Jarimin “Jay” Travers is connected to:

@@Social Connections@@

Inventory & Finance

Jarimin “Jay” Travers has the following:

Standard issue clothing and equipment

Jarimin “Jay” Travers currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by jack_pine on 10, 01 2018 at 20:11 using the Character Template Form.

In the case steeljaw36 becomes inactive: