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Véro 728

Véro 728 is an NPC controlled by Hyralt who appears in the development of The Kamouraska System.

Véro 728
Species & Gender Synthetic (human clone) Female
Organization: New Dusk Conclave
Occupation: Executive Officer
Rank: Commander
Current Placement: Bastienne, Kamouraska II, kamouraska

Character Description

Véro is relatively tall, at 5'11“. She is very curvy but surprisingly strong. She has very light skin and grey-green eyes and orange/red hair. Her voice is surprisingly rough for a woman, but not too deep. She smells faintly of cayenne.

History & Relationships

Véro was a natural pilot, easily outperforming the other members of her cohort especially when stressful situations would send most of her rivals into a tailspin. She is extremely cool-headed and remains calm during even the worst emergencies. Though she is from a much younger cohort, she was quickly taken under the wing of joizic_488 who guided her career until Véro became her executive officer after the Battle Of Glimmergold. Véro is extremely loyal to Joizic and sees anyone else as a competitor for her approval, including Rioc 488, for whom she has a particular distaste due to his high aptitude and low performance.

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Hyralt on 2021/04/18 19:54.

Art credit to hyralt on artbreeder: