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First Battle Of Mitsuya

The First Battle of Mitsuya was a battle during the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. It took place in YE 32.

History and Background

In YE 32, Lord Sprufnikkamazzar ordered an attack on the United Outer Colonies at the Mitsuya System. His orders were to attack the population, take captives, and leave the system without holding it. The NMX 17th Fleet, under the command of Tthugornaigh on the XSS Perseverance, led the offensive. The engagement was short as that the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces in the system were caught off guard.1)

Lord Sprufnikkamazzar gloated about his quick victory in the system and claimed he had accomplished it with more efficiency than Melisson could have.


Those involved in the battle.


The NMX 17th Fleet attacked the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces and successfully took many of the soldiers posted there captive. The fleet then withdrew from the system. A year later, in YE 32, a second battle (Second Battle Of Mitsuya) would take place in the system which would be evacuated by the YSS Eucharis.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2021/02/08 13:18.

Events & History
Event Month.6