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NAM Basic Military Nanite Package

The basic military-grade nanite package is a joint development between Nepleslian Arms and Munitions and the New Yellow Relief and Developmental Society introduced to the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps and Nepleslian Star Navy in an effort to increase the survivability of SMDIoN personell through the use of medical-grade nanites.


The basic nanite package is a once-monthly injection able to be administered by any medic or doctor and is administered to every active duty SMDIoN service member. The nanite package is contained within a simple disposable syrette that can be injected anywhere on the body's surface.

The shot is intended for use and is compatible with most baseline Nepleslian but is compatible with most if not all humanoid species within the kikyo sector save for Neko.

The nanite package usually takes effect in a matter of hours and lasts for roughly thirty days before the inserted nanites are programmed to shut down and be absorbed into the body and will shut down if newer nanites are detected to allow a fresh set to spread unimpeded through the body.


The development of the NAM Basic Military Nanite Package emerged from a pressing need within the Nepleslian military, driven by the demands of modern warfare as casualty counts rose SMDIoN soldiers lacked the renewability or combat prowess afforded to their rival military-body neko and as conflicts grew more complex and prolonged, the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps and Star Navy sought ways to enhance the endurance and effectiveness of their personnel on the battlefield to better keep up with hostile NMX Neko and Nepleslias rivals who excelled past it in the medical field. Initial research into nanotechnology paved the way for a joint venture between Nepleslian Arms and Munitions and the Nyrds faction.

The first successful implementation of the nanite package took place in YE 44, and it marked a turning point in military medical technology. The package was swiftly integrated into the standard medical protocol for all active-duty SMDIoN service members. Over the years, advancements in nanite programming and compatibility research expanded its benefits, transforming it into a cornerstone of Nepleslian military doctrine. Today, the NAM Basic Military Nanite Package continues to evolve, ensuring that Nepleslian soldiers remain at the forefront of combat readiness and survivability in an ever-changing sector.


The nanite package has many effects but is primarily based to revolve around enhancement in combat conditions. Such effects include increased performance, medical and health improvements both in and out of combat, etc.

Cardiovascular enhancement

The nanites in the body help in the transporting of oxygen through the bloodstream much like red blood cells and hemoglobin but at an advanced rate, aiding in cardiovascular activity to get oxygen from the lungs to the organs and muscles and to filter out carbon dioxide to help limit fatigue and physical activity for prolonged periods of time.

The nanites also optimize the flow of oxygen to where it is most vital and can aid an individual in holding in oxygen longer such as when holding their breath.


While not capable of sealing wounds or stopping bleeding completely the nanites are capable of combining proteins with red cells to help clot inside of open wounds faster and help slow the flow of blood in wounds. While not life saving or should be relied on it can stem or slow fatal bloodflow and buy prescious seconds.

Calcium formation

The nanites are programmed to help form calcium protiens to seal cracks or fractures in bone. While they are not an instant fix the nanites can enhance the healing process of non-breaks in bones. The nanites also target fractures when forming that while not healing them can help keep damage to a minimum and mitigate the chance of worsening the break.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

The NAM Basic Military Nanite Package includes nanites that can improve cognitive function in soldiers under stress. These nanites optimize neural pathways by stimulating the nerve centers when under stress; Allowing a concussed or injured soldier to keep focuss and help keep a marine or sailor concious and out of shock temporarily. Marines and sailors can find themselves processing information more quickly, adapting to new situations more effectively, and maintaining focus during high-stress combat scenarios. This cognitive enhancement can significantly contribute to mission success and situational awareness.

Metabolic Regulation

The nanites within the package regulate the soldier's metabolism, ensuring a steady supply of energy and nutrients to the body over a greater degree of time after consumption of calories. This regulation can help soldiers maintain their peak physical condition even during extended deployments or missions with limited access to food and rest. It also assists in weight management, preventing excessive muscle loss or fat gain during periods of inactivity.

Immune System Boost

The nanites provide an additional layer of defense against infections and diseases. By tuning the nanites to local known diseases and sicknesses a medic can help prevent sickness in his or her marines or sailors. Soldiers who receive the nanite package experience fewer illnesses and recover more quickly when they do fall ill. This increased resistance to infections is particularly valuable in the field, where medical facilities may be limited.

Does not affect hangovers or alcohol poisoning.

Contraceptive Functionality

The basic military nanite package does not affect male or female hormone cycles, or kill of male sperm production due to the rampant spread of the ID-SOL gene. But in female marines or sailors the basic nanite package delays ovulation between cycles and erases the period-cycle in females.

While it does not affect males, in females the basic nanite package removes unwanted or suprise pregnancy in female marines and sailors who would otherwise be removed from their station for several months in late-stage pregnancies. This feature is vital due to co-ed service with extremely virile members carrying the ID-SOL gene.

The contraceptive effects fade after one month without a nanite booster or followup injection and do not temper or dillute the female libido or sex drive.

This feature can be tuned out by an NYRDs qualified medical professional within the SMDIoN but only with confirmation and written/doccumented permission by a commanding officer of no less rank than captain in the NSMC or commander in the NSN to avoid tampering with a female marine and her health with malcious intent or otherwise.


While multiple doses of nanites can be introduced into a system it is impossible to overdose on them. Nanites are tuned to a body and self-remove excess nanites when activated by dissolving them into calcium that is absorbed into the body.

Compatibility Research

Ongoing research is being conducted to expand the compatibility of the NAM Basic Military Nanite Package to include a broader range of species. Due to being nanite based and affecting the basic functions most species in the kikyo sector share the basic nanite package is compatible with most every humanoid species in the sector save for Neko and miltary body Minkan who are bio-androids in nature with a more complex system with their own form of nanites.

Note: SMDIoN marines are required to be issued nanite packages when transfering to other nations exchange programs for service. Likewise compatible foriegn service members serving within the SMDIoN are issued nanite packages as normal unless given a medical waiver by their parent nation or incompatible with a nanite package due to being Neko.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2021/03/04 15:34.

This article was approved by Andrew on 2023/09/091)