YSS Storm

YSS Storm, NG-X1-401, is a Plumeria-class (2E) Medium Gunship in the First Fleet in the First Fleet.


The YSS Storm was built at Gemini Star Fortress by Ketsurui Fleet Yards in YE 30 for the Star Army of Yamatai's First Expeditionary Fleet. That year it responded, along with the rest of Sixth Squadron, to a disaster on Khorsovarolor1). See Khorsovarolor Incident.

The Storm was involved in several battles alongside the rest of the First Expeditionary Fleet in the Second Mishhuvurthyar War. It was there at the final raid on the NMX Headquarters at Rabaal System in YE 34.

In YE 34, not long after the Star Army took major losses in the Mitsuya System in YE 34. Nohara Clover was assigned as the Storm's commanding officer.

The YSS Storm fought alongside the YSS Kaiyō in YE 392).

In YE 41, YSS Storm was transferred to the First Fleet.

In YE 42, YSS Storm spent extensive time in drydock being converted from the 2D model to the more spacious 2E model.

OOC Notes

Kim created this page in 2012 but it was just a small stub using boilerplate text by Wes. In 2020 Wes added the history section and started fleshing out the article.