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Operation La Prossima

A Star Army Intelligence project started in YE 45 and which escalated into an operation in YE 46. This operation is meant to find a cure for the condition known as ST Data Fragmentation, oversee the maintenance of Initzio Barone's Soul Transfer (ST) data, and eliminate any threat which attempts to weaponize or spread the condition.


The death of Candon Suites to ST Fragmentation and the discovery of the ability to weaponize the condition has presented a threat to security. After a year of studying Jôtô Hei Barone's recovery, the operation was officially ordered to begin tracking down leads that could shed light on the cause of ST defects and potential solutions.

The Plan

The operative Barone Jôtô Heisho will follow leads and report for regular observation as Star Army Intelligence unveils the secrets of this elusive condition.

Roles of the Operatives

The is no cover story for the operation but it remains classified on a need-to-know condition set by the Deputy Director Jinja Emi. This group may, at times, be requested to assist in other operations or missions when a need arises but primarily will focus of exploring the cause and cure to ST Fragmentation.


The objectives of Operation La Prossima are currently unspecified. The operation must maintain flexibility to respond to the still-mysterious nature of what they track.

Current Objectives:

Special Considerations

In our attempt to create the definitive SARP combat experience we recognize certain hazards that players must be aware of:

OOC Notes

Plot page: Operation La Prossima Rizzo created this article on 2024/02/08 13:28.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.