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Freya Type Artificial Nepleslian

Named after an ancient goddess associated with love, beauty, and fertility, the Freya Type Artificial Nepleslians were co-created with the Raijin and Athena Type Artificial Nepleslians in YE 37. They were designed by the Athena Foundation to be the center of creating more “traditional” communities not built around the militias and gangs that naturally formed. But they are capable of the same cognitive abilities as Athena/Tenjin Type Artificial Nepleslians due to sharing a progenitor source.

YE Production Began YE 37
Designers Athena Foundation
Manufacturer Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Nomenclature NRM-AN3-1A
Used By Nepleslian Reds
Availability Mass Production
Price 500 KS


Roll out of the Raijin, Athena, and Tenjin Type Artificial Nepleslians was not a smooth process. The Athena Foundation, defacto “civilian leadership” for Fujiko with the “military” leadership focused on rebuilding, quickly realized they did not factor the social dynamics of having radically different clones interacting with each other. The Raijin Type, with their enhanced physical strength and mission-tasked thinking (including the standard Nepleslian clones), often felt underappreciated in a society increasingly valuing intellectual rather than just martial prowess. In contrast, the Athena and Tenjin Types, despite their strategic acumen, struggled to effectively communicate and empathize with those not of their kind, inadvertently creating an elitist perception. These dynamics led to a growing divide, marked by misunderstandings, underutilization of skills, and a lack of cohesive unity.

Recognizing the need to bridge this gap and foster a more harmonious social structure, the development of the Freya Type was initiated. The Freya Type was designed to embody more empathy and interpersonal skills – traits that are typically overlooked in Nepleslian Red culture. The goal was to create individuals who could understand and mediate between the diverse groups within the Reds' society, facilitating better communication, cooperation, and team spirit.

Filling the role as community leaders and mediators within the population, the Freya is considered a Generation 2 clone where clone development has a focus on quality and specialization rather than sheer numbers the Reds once thought was key to winning.


The Freya Type is exclusively female. Known as Gongzu when their genetic template is applied to Lily Type Artificial Nepleslian, these individuals are tailored with specific adaptations that make them particularly adept at roles requiring high emotional intelligence and mentorship capabilities.

Average Stats
Female Height 170cm
Female Weight 75kg
Build Average, widish hips
Measurements 86C-80-96 (in centimeters)

Genetic Engineering

Freya Type Artificial Nepleslians have genetic modifications aimed at making them more empathic than the average Human and Nepleslian. One of these modifications targets the neural pathways associated with emotional processing, particularly within the limbic system. By augmenting areas like the amygdala and the anterior cingulate cortex, Freya Type Artificial Nepleslians are able to perceive and respond to the emotional states of others with heightened sensitivity and understanding. They also have regions of their brain involved in language processing and facial expression recognition optimized, increasing their ability to verbalize their empathy to others.

Freya Type Artificial Nepleslians also have their prefrontal cortex and hippocampus enhanced, increasing the number of neurons found within these regions. Their synaptic efficiency is also enhanced compared to the baseline human. While they are not enhanced to the same degree as Athena Type Artificial Nepleslians, they still have a slight increase in memory retention, efficiency of forming memories, and formulating strategies on solving problems.

Lastly, a combination of upregulating genes related to osteoblast activity (cells that build bone), myogenesis (muscle formation), and adjusting the expression of growth factors like IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1); the musculoskeletal system of Freya Types (common for artificial Nepleslians) is 1.5 times denser than baseline humans. They also have an enhanced cardiovascular system with a stronger heart that operates at an efficient 54 beats per minute at rest thanks to modifying genes responsible for cardiac muscle function to contract more efficiently and greater strength. The sinoatrial node, the heart's natural pacemaker, has also been modified to ensure a steady heart rate while active such as running and fighting. This translates in individuals capable of lifting 1.3 times their body mass.


Freya Type Artificial Nepleslians typically do not receive cybernetic or nanite augmentations during their manufacturing period.


The Freya Type Artificial Nepleslians, conceptualized by the Athena Foundation, play a pivotal role in fostering “traditional” communities, distinct from the militias and gangs prevalent on Fujiko IV. Their design and enhancements are aligned with the creation and nurturing of cohesive community structures, emphasizing emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/11/23 20:03.

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