Table of Contents

Njord System

The Njord System is occupied by the Iron Company as of YE 44. It is located in grid 2702 of the Kikyo Sector.

Njord System
Njord Prime
Faction Independent
Corporation Iron Company
Population 40,000
Local Government Iron Company Chain of Command

Njord is related to the “God of the Sea and Wealth” from the mythology of the Iron Company's original home universe of Vahalla. The Iron Company believes that the system will lead them to wealth and power.

History and Background

In YE 44 in the galactic-southern region of the Kikyo Sector scouting resources between jobs, the Iron Company discovered the resource-rich Njord System. The company of mercenaries took it upon themselves, at the direction of their Sentinel Albert Steiner, to lay down some roots on Njord Prime. Njord Prime is a habitable world and is a comfortable distance from the main factions that surround the core of the sector. The Njord System would become a refueling and rest point. Not to mention the world offered a wide range of some of the ugliest and meanest xenobiological wildlife in the entire Kikyo Sector. Rumor has it Albert Steiner also picked the jungle planet because of how much it pissed his “Cultural Exchange Bitch” known as Tacho off. The uncomfortably hot and humid planet would make her have to stay in her Krysis Crixa Prototype Armor to shelter from the environment.

Outside of the industrial complexes the Iron Company intended to build, most of the small settlements remained nomadic tent cities that would follow the herds of various xenobiological wildlife that they hunted.

The Iron Company would also start mining operations in the Njord Belt in YE 45.

Njord System

Information about the Njord System.

Njord Star System Summary
Star Name Type Size Stellar Radii Stellar Mass Temp
Njord Star F1 Yellow-white Main Sequence V 1.28 1.61 7,300K
Planet Name Type Planetary Radius Surface Gravity Escape Velocity Rotation Length of Year Satellites
Njord Prime Terrestrial Jungle Super-Earth 8,900km 1.00 x Yamatai 3.91 m/s2 33.9 hours 8.90 x Yamatai One
Njord II Terrestrial Desert 9,300km 1.46 x Yamatai 11.62 m/s2 37.3 hours 0.48 x Yamatai None
Njord III Terrestrial Rocky 8,254km 1.00 x Yamatai 11.00 m/s2 25.0 hours 0.81 x Yamatai None
Njord Belt
Massive Outer System Asteroid Belt. Rich in iron, nickel, iridium, pallidium, gold, magnesium, osmium, ruthenium, rhodium and platinum

The Road to Wealth

A new home for the good men of the Iron Company.


A glistening ball of incandescent gas in the dark night of space.

Njord Prime

Njord Prime is a wild and untamed frontier world. A volcanically active jungle planet with massive algea-rich seas and cloud-streaked dark blue skies. It has become the home of several Iron Company nomadic hunting settlements that harvest natural materials from the planet's unique biosphere. From towering massive insectoids to amphibians the size of neighborhoods the planet has a rich xenobiological ecosystem1) that the Iron Company is eager to exploit and disrupt. The main camp in this world is called Skaditown and it is located in the equatorial region of the main continent which dominates the eastern expanse of the north and southern hemisphere. It is in Skaditown that the Iron Company plans to build more permanent manufacturing and resource processing facilities in the coming years.

Major Settlements:

Njord II

An untouched Terrestrial Desert world, with a thin atmosphere, that is a new frontier ready for exploration or prospecting.

Njord III

An untouched Terrestrial Rocky world, with a very thin toxic atmosphere, that is a new frontier ready for exploration or prospecting.

The Njord Belt

A massive elliptical belt of asteroids. Rich in iron, nickel, iridium, pallidium, gold, magnesium, osmium, ruthenium, rhodium and platinum in which the Iron Company intends to mine in YE 45.


The system is inhabited by the mercenaries of the Iron Company. A fierce group of fighters from another universe.


The Characters that are located here:5)

Nothing found


The only way to this system is in a spacecraft.

RP Opportunities

Some roleplaying opportunities in this system:


The rumors might be true, they might not:

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2022/11/18 23:03 using the namespace template.

Art was done in Midjourney by Andrew.

The article was approved by Wes on 2023/09/13.6)

Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map Display NameNjord System
Map Coordinates2748, 261
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Marker
Show label?yes
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 45
Place Categoriesstar system
actual species to be submitted separately
2) , 3) , 4)
Will be submitted as a place
A struct table will show when characters are listed as present