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Sotuleg is an artificial metalloid with self-healing molecular bonds, that is commonly used by the Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift Military Industrial Complex. It is their equivalent to Yamataium.

Year of Creation YE 45
Designer Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift
Manufacturer SMX and NMX NMX
Fielded by SMX and NMX NMX
Damage Capacity Equivelant to Yamataium
Availability Mass Production
Cost Expensive

Manufacturing and Use

The Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift has had the technology to produce Yamataium since YE 28, their version has roughly the same properties; it is highly-resilient to damage, has the ability to self-anneal over time which is often enhanced by its integration into their vessel's Hemosynthetic System.

Sotuleg is deployed in a slightly different manner by the Mishhuvurthyar, than Yamataium is. Oftentimes times the advanced metalloid is woven into large strands, with a hemosynthetic core, which is then manipulated into the hardened flesh and bone-like structures often seen on vessels and facilities operated by the Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift's military arms. In many cases, the structures are coated in hemosynthetic flesh which gives their vessels their signature eldritch horror aesthetic.


Stuleg is very expensive to manufacture, however, the Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Nougpift is committed to the destruction of the Yamatai Star Empire and its allies in that no expense is too high.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/09/19 06:17.

This was approved by Wes on 2023/10/04.1)