Table of Contents

Carnivore Class Cruiser

This ship, the Carnivore Class Cruiser, is a lengthy Nepleslian ship that is formidable in and of itself, such is fitting as the name is derived from meat eaters of Nepleslia. The ship is green and bears the crest of the Nepleslian Star Navy.

About the Ship

The Carnivore Class Cruiser is a heavily armed, heavily shielded, and heavily maneuverable ship. It was fielded by the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia in YE 39 and finally was produced for the Nepleslian Star Navy by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions starting in early YE 42. The Cruiser is becoming known by those that have crews them as intrepid, audacious, unflinching ships.

Key Features

These are the ship's key features

Mission Specialization

The mission specializations are as follows:


The Carnivore Class looks long and slender from the side as it is much more lengthy than girthy or tall. At its rear it has plateaued bulges on either side and from those, triangular wing-like additions, with the pointy end of the triangle affixed to the plateaued bulges. In the center of those triangles are diamond-shaped, long sword-like engines.

The entire ship is green, as is suiting for a DIoN ship, which also has the crest of the Nepleslian Star Navy on either side of its slender sectioned hull. There is a main weapon on the tip or head of the ship, two secondary weapons on either side of the center of the ship, and two more weapons along the plateaued bulges, which are groupings of Curbstompers.

History and Background

The Carnivore Class fills a role in the Nepleslian Star Navy of DIoN as a heavy cruiser, somewhere along the lines of a Bison but with a much more sleek design. It was designed by engineers and developers of NAM and quickly produced to be on the front lines. within the first test periods and with the crews that used them, they were referred to as the “triple threat” in banter as a play on the three c's that alliterate within the name “Carnivore Class Carrier”.

Statistics and Performance

Below are the statistics and performance details of the Carnivore Class.


The general information about the ship is below:


Here are the passenger accommodations:

Crew: 20 operators are recommended, 1 is required.

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 1,000 people. About 1,500 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


The size of the ship is below:

Propulsion and Range

Here are the propulsion and range stats.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

The Carnivore has 30 Decks and a layout suiting to its construction.

Deck Layout

The Deck layout can be found below.

Deck Layout
Deck 1 Sensors Systems, Maintenance Conduits
Deck 2 Engineering
Deck 3 Main Galley, Main Mess
Deck 4 Crew Cabins, Baths
Deck 5 Bridge, Wardroom, Escape Pods, Captain's Suite
Deck 6 Flight Deck, Main Armory
Deck 7 Vehicle Weapon Armory, Medical Bay
Deck 8 Escape Pods, Secondary Armory, Level 1 of Main Hangar
Deck 11 Additional Vehicle Storage, Level 2 of Main Hangar
Deck 12 Level 3 of Main Hangar, Shuttle Bay
Deck 13 Secondary Armory, Power Armor Bay
Deck 14 Maintenance Conduits
Deck 15 Cargo and Supply Storage
Deck 16 Miscellaneous Systems
Deck 8 Crew Cabins, Baths, Laboratory
Deck 9 Recreation Room, Gym, Baths
Deck 17 Level 1 of Secondary Hangar, Shuttle Bay
Deck 18 Utilities, Secondary Hangar, Level 2 of Secondary Hangar
Deck 19 Crew Cabins, Power Armor Bay
Deck 20 Crew Cabins, Baths
Deck 21 Secondary Galley, Secondary Mess
Deck 22 Engineering, Med Bay
Deck 23 Maintenance Conduits
Deck 24 Emergency Supplies, Prisoner Storage
Deck 25 Cargo Storage, Secondary Medical Bay
Deck 26 Power Systems
Deck 27 Cargo and Supply Storage
Deck 28 Secondary Power Systems
Deck 29 Engineering
Deck 30 Sensors systems and Maintenance Conduits

Compartment Layouts

Below are the ship's more detailed layout schematics.

Main Armory and Secondary Armories

Located above the vehicle armory and above the main hangars and bays for deployment is the primary armory, which is expansive and quite large. It is more akin to a warehouse with stores of weaponry and ammo on its shelves and racks. Some more standard armories are located on the first main hangar deck as well as on the power armor deployment deck.

Vehicle Armory

The armory for vehicles is a place for fabricating additional weaponry or repairs to the weaponry of vehicles being worked on. Like the main armory, it is above the main hangar, shuttle, and power armor bay decks.


The Carnivore Class has a standard bridge on which major operations of the ship are handled by command staff, helm, and bridge operators. The ship has no CIC, so this functions as one.

Captain's Suite

The Carnivore contains one captain's suite for the CO of the ship to rest, relax, and even work.

Cargo Storage Areas

Two large cargo storage areas take up the back of the ship.

Crew Cabins

The Carnivore Class has a large number of crew cabins to serve as rest areas for her crew..

Crew Recreation

There's a pool, held down by force-fields from spilling all over the room it is in, which is sealed against leaks, in any case, and has plenty of drainage. There is also room for working out on machines and with weights in separate facilities than the pool room.


The Carnivore has spread out its engineering rooms, making a boarding action that is out to take engineering unlikely. The ship contains three Standard ship engineering rooms.

Maintenance Conduits

Maintenance conduits are spread throughout the ship and are above and below all decks and centered around weapons systems. They have scrubbers in them to detect and get rid of hostile threats, from dust to drones and anything in between.

Medical Center

The Carnivore Class contains three Nepleslian Standard Starship Medical Bay located throughout the ship to make sure the wounded are tended to quickly in the heat of combat.


There are many Standard Hallways throughout the ship.

Power Armor Bays

The Carnivore Class has several power armor bays, the main of which is below the main hangar and shuttle bay .

Shuttle Bays

The shuttle bays may house various space and air vehicles of DIoN.


The wardroom is a place to eat and for crew-wide briefings. The room is quite spacious with high ceilings and shown beams in the walls and top of it. It is quite industrial. There are stainless steel metal tables and long benches. There is a table specifically for command staff at the prow (front) of the room, near the door to the galley. The galley is separate and connected only through a restricted access door.

Ship Systems

Below are the ship's systems outlined.

Computers and Electronics

The AI of the ship is outlined below:

Emergency Systems

The Carnivore Class has fire management systems as well as automated first aid and life support.

In addition, the Carnivore Class carries on it:

Escape Pods

The escape pods used are listed below.

Life Support Systems

The Carnivore Class utilizes its own atmospheric systems. It recycles and purified air within habitable areas of the ship.


The way the ship sustains flight is below.

Shield Systems

These are the shields:

Weapons Systems

Below are the weapons systems:

See: Damage Rating (Version 3)

Vehicle Complement

Below are the vehicles that can be found aboard the Carnivore Class Cruiser.


Below are the shuttles in the typical Carnivore .


Below are the fighters that can be aboard the Carnivore .


The tanks on the cruiser are as follows.

OOC Notes

Art by Adam Kop!