Vitsa'a (Gardener)

The Poku Saeruo Degonjo has depended upon Vitsa'a starting during the Norka (The Exodus). These are the care takers of the plants used by the Poku'vonai. The majority of the members of this occupation are the Tula due to their affinity with plants. It is very common for a member to be part of a Gatherer crew.

However, some other members of the Poku'vonai have taken up the craft, normally in retirement.

Language Vitsa'a
Meaning Gardener
Pronounced: vētsă ă

This table provides information on which Jaeli (Sects) have members who are of this occupation.


Persons working in this occupation can hold any Sabu (Rank). Their rank is commensurate with their skills, subject matter and abilities

Skill Description

<Character> has been trained in botany, and is skilled in the care and tending of plants. They have been taught how to plant, transplant and prune plants as needed. They can also create hybrids by grafting.

<Character> has been trained in botany, and is skilled in the care and tending of plants. They have been taught how to plant, transplant and prune plants as needed. They can also create hybrids by grafting.