Tuima'a (Dancer)

Dance has always been an integral part of Poku Saeruo Degonjo culture. Baqlii (Children) learn to dance traditional dances at an early age, and dancing is taught in the Academies. For many years after the Norka (The Exodus), full-time dancers were limited in number; dancing was often something someone did in their after-hours while working their 'day job' occupation. In 126 CY (YE -593 ), the Tanoi (Council) restored the occupation of Dancer to its status as a full and proper occupation.

The Tuima'a is trained in multiple dance styles, though they usually have one or two in which they specialize. They are also trained in creating choreography for performances.

Many traditional dancers wear the Safarisa while performing.

Language Tuima'a
Meaning Dancer
Pronounced: tūēmă ă

This table provides information on which Jaeli (Sects) have members who are of this occupation.


Members in this occupation hold one of the following ranks. Only Journeyman and Master-ranked Tuim'a are paid.

Skill Description

<Character> has been trained in basic dance styles since their time in the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies). Proceeding to the Senior Apprentice level, they received addition specialized training from a Dance Giba'a (Instructor). Journeyman and Master ranks are also trained in creating choreography, and music selection. They are also trained how to dance with the traditional Safarisa garment.

==== Tuima'a (Dancer)====
<Character> has been trained in basic dance styles since their time in the //[[faction:hidden_sun_clan:academies]]//. Proceeding to the Senior Apprentice level, they received addition specialized training from a Dance //[[instructor]]//. Journeyman and Master ranks are also trained in creating choreography, and music selection. They are also trained how to dance with the traditional [[faction:hidden_sun_clan:clothing#traditional_festive_clothing|Safarisa]] garment.