The Wotanu Abokatinka Poku is the Clan Defense Fleet of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. It is also referred to with the acronyms WAP and CDF. It is charged with defending the Poku Saeruo Degonjo Lumujo Saei (Territory) and with assisting allies.
Many of the traditions of the space fleets of the ancient Qaktoro Empire have been lost to time. During the Norka (The Exodus), numerous smaller starships acted as guardians and escorts for the huge and lumbering Arks. Upon their arrival in the Hidden Sun System, these ships acted as Seekers and Gatherers, hunting and scavenging within and beyond the borders of the Clan's Nebula. For hundreds of years after the settlement of Degonjo Saeruo (Hidden Sun System), Clan vessels went about this defense task largely autonomously, with teams forming Hunts to seek out and destroy interlopers.
It wasn't until many centuries later that the Clan found a need to reorganize its fleets. The events of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War beginning in YE 31 shocked the Clan, and the NMX was taking over planets distressingly near to the Clan's territory. When the Clan struck an alliance with the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 35 (754 CY), the Tanoi (Council) also formed the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku and charged it with its mission.
The Wotanu Abokatinka a volunteer-based organization with membership open to all Ruokai (Houses) and Jaeli (Sects). In the Lumujo Saei (Territory) of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, incursions and invasions are dealt with swiftly and violently. Serving in the Fleet is an honorable activity.
The Fleet falls under the control of Legos Miaurm, the current Poku Wotanu'ka (Defender of the Clan).
Information on the composition of the Clan Defense Fleet will be found in this section. (Work in Progress)