Table of Contents

Trike Compact Assault Shotgun

The Trike Compact Assault Shotgun, also known as the Trike or the Trike CAS, is a high-capacity assault shotgun with three magazine tubes and a rather short profile in spite of how many shells it can hold.

About the Trike Compact Assault Shotgun

In YE 40 Galactic Horizon designed and manufactured the Trike Compact Assault Shotgun in an effort to refresh the classic design of a semi-automatic shotgun without bulking it out too much.

Nomenclature Information


The Trike Compact Assault Shotgun appears to be a fairly normal-looking pump-action shotgun from the receiver backward - but from the barrel forwards it looks like somebody was successful in merging the Trike with a compact minigun's barrel assembly. The pump grip sits slightly lower than normal to accommodate for the three magazine tubes arranged in a triangular formation around the barrel and a triangular brace near the start and the end of the barrel.

A slight ramp-like piece runs from the trigger assembly to the loading port. It is designed to assist when reloading the weapon; additionally, the ejection port sits on the side of the receiver and has a small notch to assist in racking it back.

Discharge Information


12 Guage Shotgun Shells Damage Quickchart
Shell Type Purpose
Subsonic Scatter Shot Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel
Scatter-Shot Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel
Slug Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel
Magnum Scatter-Shot Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel
[Magnum Slug Tier 4, Light Anti-Armour

Scatter-Shots (Magnum and Regular) are designed to rip chunks out of targets whereas the Slugs (Magnum and Regular) are designed to punch c lean holes through targets.

Weapon Mechanisms

Below are sections detailing various mechanisms of the Trike Compact Assault Shotgun.

Weapon Mechanisms

If the chamber is empty then the user must rack back the ejection port, which takes a single shell from the current tube and pushes it forward as the ejection port itself slides forwards. Each subsequent shot causes the bolt to be pushed back with the slide, which ejects the spent shell and chambers the next available one as the ejection port slides shut again.

The Trike’s three magazine tubes are cycled between with the under-barrel pump, rotating the three tubes in a clockwise manner; so long as there is a shell in the chamber and the weapon is not jammed the Trike can continue to fire in semi-auto without the user manually racking back the ejection port to chamber a new shell.

Flexible speed-loaders are available for purchase and consist of eight shells in a cylinder with a tab that extends to the outside. This tab pushes the shells up into the loading port (and from there, into the current tube) in one smooth motion.


Other sections of information relevant to the Trike Compact Assault Shotgun.


Replaceable Parts and Components
Optional Attachments

12 Guage Shotgun Shells Price Quickchart
Shell Type Purpose Price (100 round box)
Subsonic Scatter-Shot Tier 1, Light Anti-Personnel6) 85ks
Scatter-Shot Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel7) 75KS
Slug Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel 100KS
Magnum Scatter-Shot Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel8) 125KS
Magnum Slug Tier 4, Light Anti-Armour 150KS

OOC Notes

SirSkully created this article on 2018/08/21 10:08; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/08/21 13:15.

Comes in a set of three.
Holds 6 shells.
3) , 5)
Holds 8 shells.
Holds 10 shells.
Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel at five meters or less
Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel at five meters or less.
Tier 4, Light Anti-Armour at five meters or less.