Quallox Vaibal is a manufacturing corporation and warfare contractor based in the former Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia. With vast reach and facilities on dozens of planets, it has become ubiquitous in Kuvexian space.
Quallox Vaibal began as a small company engaged in the manufacture of components for the Kuvexian Military.
As the Kuvexian War raged on (YE 38-YE 43), Quallox Vaibal was instrumental in the manufacture of a wide variety of military hardware for the Kuvexian Military. Quallox Vaibal also became a major weapons supplier to the various private security forces operating in the former Kuvexian Empire.
After the Battle Of Glimmergold caused the fall of the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia, Quallox Vaibal exploited the lack of regulation to grow in the lawless environment and leveraged its significant assets and capabilities to obtain secure territory. At present, the corporation rivals many starfaring nations in size and military capability.
Quallox Vaibal makes:
Wes created this article on 2017/04/27 18:27.