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OIF Hope

The OIF Hope is a Jinkan-class Escort Owned and Operated by Origin Industries.


Member Position
Jonathan Weber Captain
Toushan Itsuki XO


the OIF Hope is one of Origin's small number of Jinkan escorts assigned to escort duty of important origin projects.


The OIF Hope is a brand new ship, built in YE 31 by Origin Industries. The OIF Hope was assigned Escort duty to the KMS, escorting a MAP to build Origin's second space station in the Military sector. During the mission, the convoy was attacked, and the OIF Hope played asupporting role, eventually using itself as a shield to keep the damaged SS Raider from being destroyed. After having its turrets destroyed by a group of NMX battlepods, it was saved by the OIF Cashew destroying the last NMX ship and giving supporting fire.


