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Life signs Detector

The life signs detector is a piece of military-grade detection hardware employed by The Military Corps of the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Tech Specialist and are produced by AwesomeCorp in YE 43.

Year of Creation YE 43
Designer AwesomeCorp
Nomenclature Aw-U2-01
Manufacturer AwesomeCorp
Fielded by NSMC, NSN,IPG
Availability Mass production
Price Not commercially available.


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Function and Design

The life signs detector works by compiling and using a wide array of scanners and technologies all in one singular package that when combined make a personal-use piece of technology capable of detecting various life signs and signals much like a biological version of a classic radar that actively scans for detectable life when active in front of the user.

The detector itself is almost exclusively issued to Tech Specialist due to its requirement to be connected to specialists Tech-Pack; Though it is availiable to the Star Navy and IPG as well.

The life signs detector comes in three flavors each with its own detection strength; Handheld, armor-grade, and weapon-mounted.

A handheld detector is the base version available to specialists and is one of the tools in his or her tech pack. The device can be removed from the pack and connected through cables to the pack where it uses the built-in technology and sensors of the pack to detect life in a 45-degree arc in front of where the detector is pointed.

Armor-grade detectors are similar in design but built into a suit of power-armor and have not only a wider range but large detection scope due to the uplink to a suits JANE or Advanced Command/Combat Executive AI as well as a frames "Monoeye" Directional Sensor Suite.

Weapon-mounted versions are considered the weakest version sensor-wise and are currently only available to usage by the IPG or SBAT teams and do not require the training of a tech specialist. The weapons-mounted versions link directly between a restricted AwesomeCorp DataJockey app and a small screen and detector that can be mounted on the attachment rails of small arms.


(Optional; can be included in the above section or kept separate here, a few brief sentences describing how the component looks are required if this section is used)

This section should also include when possible, the dimensions of the component. Also, when possible, include the weight of the component in kilograms.

RP Useage

A list of tips and drawbacks centered around the use of this tool in RP for GM or player usage.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2021/03/31 07:59.

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