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Alpin Lupaie

Alpin Lupaie is a Qaktoro in the Poku Degonjo Saeruo Wotanu Abokatinka Poku. He is the Daho'a (Warrior) on the HS-SG4-1a Yome Nuiqai (Wings of Hawk) Class Ship - WAP Yome Ismâopate (Searching Hawk) Plot. He holds the rank of Sâvyjo (Junior Apprentice). Alpin is a player character played by Enansel.

Alpin Lupaie
Species: Qaktoro
Gender: Male
Born: 737 CY, Suotegym
Age: 18 Mâi
Ruoka (House): Falon
Jael (Sect): Tavi Fua Jael (Blood Tooth Sect)
Occupation: Daho'a (Warrior)
Rank: Sâvyjo (Junior Apprentice)
Current Placement: WAP Yome Ismâopate
Galy'ka: Galy'ka

Physical Characteristics

Psychological Characteristics



Alpin and Yanga were born to their mother Inyan in CY 737 to the Lupaie Family of House Falon in the safety and comfort of their mother's home in the Red district of Âmuso-mu Vonaieano'ka on the Sotâka Ruomâqi. They turned out to be fraternal twins, with Alpin being born first and Yanga following soon thereafter. Their parents, though overjoyed with their arrival, were too deeply involved in searching for the missing hunters from the year before to be able to stick around for longer than it took for Inyan to recover from giving birth.

Thankfully three months earlier Trilia and her mate Mauli had come to an agreement, after discovering she was pregnant with Omalp's child, to join the family and raise the twins alongside her own expected child. Though neither Inyan, Omalp, or Phaga were particularly pleased about the idea of having a Qakla or Tula in their family, they accepted it for the good of the twins. This ended up working out well for everyone involved. With Trilia and Mauli there to see to raising Trilia's daughter Omlia, Alpin and Yanga together the other three could freely move about.

As Trilia is a Wapoin'aka at one of the near-by medical facilities, and Mauli works as a Ytaqo'a of food from the station's farms, this left the trio of children with someone to always watch them and that allowed the pair of Daho'a and Vonawotanu'a to go off to serve the clan. Thanks to the adults doing different things, the children were brought along when they went to work, getting a good bit of their education from many others than just Trilia and Mauli and occasionally Inyan, Omalp or Phaga when they were cycled back to the Sotâka Ruomâqi for a few months.

Being raised in a variety of environments from the Weâm Vana Movi, to the Vonaieano'ka, and even on a few trips out into space on less dangerous missions left both Alpin and Yanga more capable to adapting to many different environments, levels of stress, and even loss. This sort of being moved around a lot also facilitated the need for them to do a lot of their learning in a home-schooled environment, especially as they grew in age. They probably took easier to the material taught one on one with tutors than they did during the few full years they spent at the Ruohui Giba'te.

Their two years at the Ruohui Giba'te were both spent with the twins absolutely miserable. Alpin's temperamental flares only sooth-able by his twin's gentle touch, Yanga's quiet and reserved nature only improved by Alpin's firm encouragement. Alpin's strength making up for Yanga's small size, Yanga's intelligence and wit keeping Alpin out of trouble. Together they were capable of almost anything, and this was proved even more so true when they began their Kâbo'kai Ojme and then attempted to run their Baqnor separately.

Alpin spent four Kâbo'kai Ojme in different Kâbo'kai. The first was spent in his mother's occupation as a Daho'a, the second was spent in his father's occupation as a Vonawotanu'a, the third as a Tinnorpa'a, and the fourth as a Ismâo'a. For the most part this entire period went well enough except for his occasional temperamental flares that ended in some rough fist fights but nothing worse. His recommendations encouraged an occupation with plenty of physical exertion involved, as well as an encouragement to be considered for joint placement with his twin.

Yanga went first on her solo Baqnor. While she passed the first three tests almost flawlessly thanks to her intelligence, the fourth test proved to almost be her downfall. While hunting in The Preserve she became too focused on her task and was caught by the male great cat she hadn't noticed had joined up with the female great cat she had been hunting. Caught by her tail Yanga just barely managed to escape and outrun the pair of big cats. She made it to the end point and had it not been for Alpin's insistence that she finish the test she may have just accepted her fail and going through with the Sou Fofi. Missing tail and all, Yanga did however make it through the fifth and final test and was offered the chance to re-do the fourth test.

Yanga took that chance and once Alpin's first three tests were done, they were both sent to The Preserve with the more difficult task of taking down a pair of great cats. Between Alpin's strength and Yanga's knowledge, they were more than successful in taking down two cats, and a third who had decided to come check out the deaths of the first two. Their arrival, cats in tow, was meet with great praise and approval, and Alpin went on to pass the remaining test just as easily as his sister had.

It was shortly after their Baqnor is when Haukru came along. Having been abandon at the medical facility where Trilia worked, the woman had immediately requested permission to adopt the child as her own in the hopes the other adults would agree. They did, only because Haukru was a Qaktoro and between the five adults and their well standing house they had more than enough to support another child. Yanga and Alpin were both smitten with the new cub immediately, both young adults more than happy to engage in helping raise the young qaktoro.

It was around this time that Yanga gently requested a few things from her family. The Tula was a little alarmed that Yanga requested to be sterilized voluntarily, but they all accepted her choices, and her request for a pronoun switch without too much trouble. Alpin of course was there for his twin every minute, remaining at Yanga's side before and after surgery, and thereafter proactively working to ensure his twin was referred to as he wished to be. That much done they ended up following different pursuits.

Once he was recovered Yanga went about studying and training to be a Technician with the goal of becoming a star ship engineer in the Silver moon sect. Alpin ended up following his parents and becoming a warrior in the blood tooth sect. They were both pleased to find that they were being placed, together, for their first assignment.

Service Record


Knowledge: Clan Lore

Alpin since starting at the age of 5 was taught at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies), the history of the clan, basic clan law, and traditions. They also received training in the history of their Ruoka (House) and Punla (Family).

While at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies) they were schooled in social interaction, customs and etiquette of their people. He is fluent in Takavonai (Language). They also speak Trade (language) and Yamataigo (邪馬台語).


Alpin received initial training in Veltin-daho'te (Knife Fighting) in their home, and while at the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies). Their proficiency was measured in the Baqnor (move from youth).

Common Skills

Alpin received compulsory training in mathematics, finances and the basic operation of command clan equipment and basic use of Kynjodau'tajo Aorq'ka (Information Technology).

Shipboard Life

All members of the clan spend time on ships, their world station is essentially a ship so these skills apply there.

Armed Combat

Alpin upon embarking on their career was trained in the use of clan small arms. They know how to load, clear, and safe the weapons as well as fire it accurately. Depending on their Sect they also received additional training in Daho'te Jyaon (Fighting Forms). Journeymen level Daho'a receive advanced training in HS-PD1-1a Anoka'ano Dahome (Combat Armor).


Alpin's enjoyment of physical competitions caused him to extend his Veltin-daho'te (Knife Fighting) abilities with tumbling, acrobatics, running, swimming and strength training. He'd pushed his body to its limits and occasionally beyond, making him fit and ready to defend himself and those he cares for, run down an escaping person, or climb a tree or building depending on the situational need.

Survival and Military

Knowing he would eventually have to leave the safety and security of his home on the World Station Alpin prepared by learning how to build his own shelters, camouflage himself, hunt creatures large and small, find water, navigate and other survival skills that might be needed in the event of a 'worst case' scenario.


Living aboard Poku Saeruo Degonjo vessels members of the clan have limited personal space. For this reason most clan members will typically carry the following when they first join a ship.



These items will be either generic or may have the individuals Punla (Family) colors and crests


The following specific items a member of the clan will have for performing their Kâbo'kai (Occupations).


All clan members will have the following for wearing to special events.

756(D) Duty Uniform

756(F) Formal Uniform


Afirmui Gely

Afirmu (Crest) Name Reason Awarded by
Tavi Fua Completion of training Jael-Ta'a
Wotanu Abokatinka Poku Completion of training Legos Miaurm


Alpin is a Sâvyjo (Junior Apprentice) and receives no monthly Kâbolelpa (salary), they are on the Boon program.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
1,000 OW Starting Funds
Character Data
Character NameAlpin Lupaie
Character OwnerEnansel
Character StatusInactive Player Character
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