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Sabina Jedynak

Sabina Jedynak is a Active Player Character played by Skuld.

Sabina Jedynak
Species & Gender: Female Nepleslian
Organization: Yamatai Star Empire
Occupation: Star Army Caretaker

Like all people who have lived on the moon for more than a few months she has had her cells altered to be able to collect energy from ionizing radiation, with a series of secondary cells in her epidermis she's able emit that energy as visible light.

Growing up she managed to do what so many on her little moon didn't, avoided any trouble with the security forces on the moon. Growing up she was only too aware like everyone else she grew up with that by the time she was 16 there was over a 60% chance she'd be arrested, and for the boys her age there was closer to an 80% chance of that fate, and finding themselves used as penal labour in the moon's various pit mines.

Remaining free from the chains of the moon's corporate law wasn't good enough though, she was still poor, but in time did manage to find a job that not only payed well but allowed her to for the first time in her life have a little bit of saving encase she had no income for a time, safe from the fear of knowing she'd need to find packs of nutrient paste in the backs of shipping containers with locks that had been forgotten. Really the job was simple.

She was a courtesan at a frilocker parlour.

Make the miners happy, and help them empty their wallets, and do your best not to get hooked on your own product. It really was simple for her until the owner forgot to pay his bribe to the local forces and they busted down the door, and everyone who wasn't quick enough to make their escape was arrested.

With this arrest Sabina's life was all but over, with all the charges that were put against her she'd have at least 15 years of forced labour in the mines doing little more than breaking rocks with her teeth.

For reasons that Sabina can't quite be sure of to this day the judge gave her a choice. He'd seen the evidence and there was no chance that he'd do anything but throw her to the mines, but still he made the offer to her; join the army for a term of service and these charges would be lost due to some clerical error, or she would be sent to the penal camp to be a miner.

What choice did Sabina even have, she chose the army and as part of her deal she requested to be given the assignment of a caretaker, little more than a janitor she was sure, for the army.

Even still her deal only required that she start as a caretaker, not that she had to remain there. Now she's hoping that she can get a transfer to the public affairs division, somewhere she can maybe put her looks to use.

Skills Learned

No skills were listed.

Social Connections

Sabina Jedynak is connected to:

@@Social Connections@@

Inventory & Finance

Sabina Jedynak has the following:

Standard issue clothing and equipment

Sabina Jedynak currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by skuld on 06, 20 2022 at 19:11 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameSabina Jedynak
Character OwnerSkuld
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankSantô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Caretaker
SAOY Entry YearYE 44