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Kohkrolisfu, otherwise known as Hayashi Kokoro, is a player character played by Lizalopod.

Kohkrolisfu / Hayashi Kokoro
Species & Gender: Nekovalkyrja Female
Date of Birth: YE 20.MM.DD
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Technician
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Placement: YSS Resurgence

Physical Description

Kokoro stands at rather average height of 5’5 feet (170 cm), with sand colored skin and a decently-proportioned hourglass figure that carries some subtle musculature. Her facial complexion bears similarities to that of an asian, with a round face and higher cheekbones. Her eyes has emerald colored, smaller-than-average pupils, giving her gaze a rather crazy or unhinged feel. Kokoro has the standard Nekovalkrja hair-less ears, which are pretty average.. Kokoro's hair is styled in a short waves, reaching just to her shoulders, and is a subtle dark navy, the exact color of Hayashi Akiko's (#111E4C), interwoven with streaks of white highlights akin to Mikodimus Belmont’s hair. Her hairstyle (and eyecolor) serve as a reminder to herself of the two Yamataians, who played a vital role in the errant Mishhuvurthyar’s journey after sparing and guiding her toward survival and eventual allegiance to the Star Army of Yamatai. Her voice and overall tone are akin to that of Asuka Langley Soryu, stubborn and prone to yelling.

Voice Claim


Kokoro has a rather volatile personality, very easily indicated by her stubborn nature and occasional loud and obnoxious demeanor, which she retains from her past as an Advanced-Type Mishhuvurthyar soldier. Despite her outwardly volatile appearance, however, she often finds herself feeling out of place and somewhat alone in unfamiliar surroundings, given her past as an ex-Mishhuvurthyar now serving in the Star Army of Yamatai. Inwardly she is deeply motivated by a sense of guilt and remorse for her own and the Mishhuvurthyar’s actions against the Yamataian Empire and the innocent people which inhabit it. Her once proud Mishhuvurthyar demeanor was crushed after she defected, and by result she sometimes lacks self confidence. Kokoro attempts to hide all of this by continuing her rather impulsive and stubborn Mishhuvurthyar nature. However, beneath her brash exterior lies an unwavering loyalty to her cause and the few close friends she has.



Kokoro was born on YE 43.05.13 aboard the XSS Zxuwhyrqx as the Advanced-Type Mishhuvurthyar, Kohkrolisfu. Having been born from an irradiated Nekovalkrja, after the latter was captured, Kohkrolisfu's genetic coding had been heavily affected by the radiation during her time as an egg. This fact wasn't discovered until a team of Star Army Medics analyzed her original body, thus she was never aware of the mutations growing up. These factors led to Kohkrolisfu's personality being much more passive and less competitive overall compared to the average Mishhuvurthyar. Often critized by her crewmembers due to her 'weakness', the Advanced-Type was rather isolated for her early life, and was often relegated to tasks often carried out by NMX Nekovalkrja by the chief technician and captian. This would prevent her from truly excelling as an engineer during her early years.

Stayin' Alive

On YE 45.8.16, the vessel where Kohkrolisfu had originally been born and served on, the XSS Zxuwhyrqx, encountered the YSS Ayakashi of the Seventh Fleet in orbit of the planet Dolgis V while scouting out the Dolgis Star System. After a grueling firefight, both vessels destroyed each other and fell into the planet. Kohkrolisfu would survive the ordeal, emerging from the wreckage of the Zxuwhyrqx heavily injured, yet alive. The Advanced Type Mishhuvurthyar would later encounter a makeshift camp with two Yamataian survivors, Hayashi Akiko and Mikodimus Belmont. She would attempt to jump the two Star Army Officers, before being almost killed. Instead, thanks to the suggestion of Mikodimus Belmont, she was kept alive and was used as a means of manufacturing a distress beacon. Humiliated by her capture, the Mishhuvurthyar eventually warmed up to her Yamataian companions thanks to her differing personality, and would end up constructing the distress beacon. After its activation, a fight would break out between Seventh fleet ships and NMX ships over the planet, with a Mishhuvurthyar away team being sent to capture the survivors. Kohkrolisfu would end up protecting her yamataian companions, but would thus end up critically injured. Once aboard Hotaru Star Fortress, she was suitably altered and transferred to a Minkan body after her Misshuvurthyar one perished.

Kohkrolisfu was allowed to remain aboard Hotaru Star Fortress in a restricted cabin, and was allowed a restricted holotab on which she would discover the true extent of the Mishhuvurthyar's reign of terror on the Kiyko Sector. Horrified and ashamed by what she read, and with a drastically clearer mind, she made the decision to join the Star Army of Yamatai to fight against the NMX, and do penance for what she had previously done as a Mishhuvurthyar. Kohkrolisfu would later choose to adopt the name Hayashi Kokoro as her Yamataian name. After completing basic training, she would be assigned to the YSS Resurgence, and would continue her Technician training under Chief Engineer Pidole Henitot.

Skills Learned

Kokoro has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Kokoro is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Hayashi Kokoro has the Star Army Standard Issue Items.

Hayashi Kokoro currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

In the case Lizalopod becomes inactive:

Lizalopod created this article on 2024/02/13 17:11.

Character Data
Character NameHayashi Kokoro
Character OwnerLizalopod
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYSS Resurgence
PlotsResurgence Of Yamatai
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankSantô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Technician
SAOY AssignmentYSS Resurgence
Assigned QuartersCabin 8 (Deck 4)
SAOY Entry YearYE 46
SAOY Entry Month2
DOR YearYE 46
DOR Month2