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Hugh Thunder Cox

Hugh Thunder Cock is a Non-Player Character controlled by Demibear.

Hugh Thunder Cox
Species ID-SOL Hybrid
Gender Male
Age 5 years old, DOB: 4日 7月 40年
Organization: Black Crane Securities
Occupation: Yojimbo
Rank: Ashigaru
Current Placement: N/A

Character Description

Psychological Characteristics

Hugh Thunder Cox has all the characteristics Yamataians attribute to Nepleslians. He can be boastful, loud, and rough around the edges. But due to his training with the Mizumitsu Samurai, he is quite capable of composing himself like a professional soldier when he feels like it. Due to his connection with both type of bio-weapons, he has a sense of obligation to protect everyone unable to defend themselves. Be it human, kodian, Neko youngling, or a stray cat.

Likes and Dislikes


Born in YE 40 in the Fujiko, Hugh “Thunder” Cox is the sole viable result of Dr. X (Ravi Mendoza)'s efforts to revive ID-SOL clones for the Nepleslian Reds. Not so much to help the Reds, but more in personal bragging rights that he was capable of doing it to secure more funding for the things he actually cared about.

Dr. X used Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslian DNA and went through complicated process of creating a hybrid from a complete ID-SOL sample secured by X. But despite the introduction of the super-Y chromosome to the Raijin Type, Dr. X failed in discovering the secret to the creation of he ID-SOL's complex genome. Hugh was the 100th clone to be attempted and the one one that managed to keep his sanity. But Dr. X quickly lost interest in the idea given the Red leadership was not interested in the hybrid that was inferior to their own Raijin Types.

Not completely uncaring to the new life that was created, Dr. X spent a year teaching Hugh how to not to be another meat head Nepleslian before he handed him 3,000 KS and punted him into the Kikyo Sector. He also spent a lot of time with the children of Dr. X's White Wolves, gaining the nickname of Uncle Hugh.

History In Roleplay

In YE 43, Hugh had become an ashigaru for the Black Crane Securities. He and a number of other members of his team were seen on Port Jiyuu helping Yugumo Corporation employees become familiar with their newly acquired Ryu Heavy Industries equipment.


Connections and Relationships

Inventory and Finances

Hugh has the following items:


Hugh enhanced with the Zhenren Human Upgrade Package. In addition to the upgrade package, Hugh the following cybernetics:

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Demibear on 2021/11/22 00:48.

Character Data
Character NameHugh Thunder Cox
Character OwnerDemibear
Character StatusWork In Progress
Current LocationFujiko