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Felice Kovachs

Felice Kovachs is an NPC controlled by GM Wes

Felice Kovachs
Felice Kovachs
Species & Gender Nepleslian Female
Organization: Kikyo Pie Company
Occupation: Pizza Deliverer
Current Placement:

Character Description

Felice has short red hair and silver cybernetics on her head. She has green eyes and light brown skin and a mechanical right arm.

History & Relationships

Felice was born in YE 20 in Funky City and turned 21 in YE 41.

She was raised in a very poor family that was usually out in the street working or going out. While not perfect, she quickly made friends with everyone, and it was no surprise when she got to know the worst of the worst. Soon she had fallen in love with cybernetics, and she kept working hard to make her own life better.


OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2019/09/07 12:15.

Art by Wes using a base by Waitress (Hensa) purchased from Cozy Cat Studios.

Character Data
Character NameFelice Kovachs
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use