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Brittney Stromboli

Brittney Stromboli is an NPC controlled by GM Wes.

Brittney Stromboli
Brittney Stromboli
Species & Gender Nepleslian Female
Organization: Kikyo Pie Company
Occupation: Pizza Deliverer
Current Placement: Funky City

Character Description

Brittney Stromboli has dark brown skin and short red hair. She has gold cybernetics including 3 units on her forehead, one on her right cheek, and a mechanical arm.

History & Relationships

Brittney was born in YE 20 in Funky City and turned 21 in YE 41.


OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2019/09/07 12:15.

Art by Wes using a base by Waitress (Hensa) purchased from Cozy Cat Studios.

Character Data
Character NameBrittney Stromboli
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Current LocationFunky City